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Come On

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Ulf Jacobsson (SWE) - June 2009
Come On - Ann Tayler : (CD: Come On)
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Intro: 16 count

(1-8) Toe Strut R.L. Rocking Chair
1-4 Touch R toe fwd. drop heel, touch L toe fwd. drop heel.
5-8 Rock fwd on R. recover, rock back on R. recover.

(9-16) REPEAT 1-8

(17-24) Step 1/2 Pivot L, Step, Hold. Full Turn R, Hold
1-4 Step fwd on R, pivot 1/2 turn L. Step fwd R, hold
5-8 Full turn R, stepping back on L step fwd.R, step fwd L , hold

(25-32) Side Rock, Cross, Hold, L Chasse, Back Rock.
1-2 Rock R to R side, recover.
3-4 Cross R over L, hold
5&6 Step L to L side, step R together, step L to L side.
7-8 Rock back on R, recover.

(33-40) Twist with Kick, x 2
1-2 Step R to R side swivelling heels out to R, swivel toes to R.
3-4 Swivel heels out to R, kick L foot diagonal fwd.
5-6 Step L swivelling heels out to L, swivel toes to L.
7-8 Swivel heels out to L, kick R foot diagonal fwd.

(41-48) R Sailor Step, Hold, Behind, 1/4 Turn R Stepping Fwd R, L, Hold.
1-4 Cross R behind L, step L a small step to L side, step R a small step to R side, hold
5-8 Step L behind R, 1/4 turn R stepping fwd on R, step fwd L, hold.

(49-56) R Lock Step Fwd, Brush, L Lock Step Fwd, Brush.
1-4 Step fwd R, lock L behind R, step fwd R, brush L foot fwd.
5-8 Step fwd L, lock R behind L, step fwd L, brush R foot fwd

(57-64) Pivot 1/4 Turn L, Cross, Hold, 3/4 Turn R, Step, Hold
1-4 Step fwd on R pivot 1/4 L, cross R over L, hold
5-8 1/4 turn R stepping back on L, 1/2 turn R stepping fwd on R, step fwd L, hold.

(65-72) Step 1/2 Pivot L, Hold Clap. Step 1/2 Pivot R, Hold Clap
1-4 Step fwd on R, pivot 1/2 turn L, step fwd on R, hold and clap.
5-8 Step fwd on L, pivot 1/2 turn R, step fwd on L, hold and clap.

TAG: 12 count tag at the end of wall 2 ( facing 6:00 )
(1-8) Chasse R, Back Rock, Chasse L, Back Rock
1&2 Step R to R side, step L together, step R to R side.
3-4 Rock back on L, recover
5&6 Step L to L side, step R together, step L to L side.
7-8 Rock back on R recover.

(9-12) Dwight Swivels.
1 Swivel L heel R touching R toe beside L foot,
2 Swivel L toe R touching R heel diagonally forward R
3 Swivel L heel R touching R toe beside L foot.
4 Swivel L toe R touching R heel diagonally forward R


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