CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA), A. J. Herbert (USA) & John Robinson (USA) - January 2009
Fun Time - Bruce Willis
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Start with first verse (64 counts in from beginning of track or 32 counts after the beat starts)

Right Syncopated Cross Rock-Recover-Step Side, Weave Right, Skate Right-Left Turning ¼ Left, Walk Forward Right-Left
1&2 Cross/rock right over left, recover to left, step right to side
3&4 Cross left behind right, step right to side, cross left over right
5-6 Right skate (angling body diagonally right, toward 1:30), left skate turning ¼ left (9:00)
7-8 Step right forward, step left forward

Right Heel Forward, Right Toe Back, Twist Heels Turning ½ Right, Right Coaster Step, Left Step Forward, Right Drag Forward
1-2 Touch right heel forward (lean upper body slightly back), touch right toe back (lean upper body slightly forward) Return upper body to center
3&4 Twist heels left turning ¼ right (12:00), twist heels right, twist heels left turning ¼ right (weight to left, 3:00)
5&6 Step right back, step left together, step right forward
7-8 Large step left forward, drag/slide right together

Right Side Step With Shoulder Shimmy, Left Side Step With Shoulder Shimmy, Syncopated Side Rocks Left Then Right
1-2 Step right to side, shimmying shoulders right for 2 counts gradually shifting weight to right
3-4 Step left in place, shimmying shoulders left for 2 counts gradually shifting weight to left
Option: body roll to right side on counts 1,2; body roll to left side on counts 3,4
&5-6 Step right together, rock left to side, recover to right
&7-8 Step left together, rock right to side, recover to left

Right Sailor Turning ½ Right, Syncopated Touches Forward Left & Right, & Left Kick-Ball-Cross, Left Side Step, Right Slide Together
1&2 Sailor step turning ½ right stepping right, left, right (9:00)
3&4& Touch left forward, step left together, touch right forward, right step together
5&6 Kick left diagonally forward, step left slightly back, cross right over left
7-8 Large step left to side, slide/touch right together


RESTART: On the 3rd repetition, perform the FIRST 16 counts of the dance, then start again from the beginning. (you start over after doing the forward step, drag). This OCCURS when you are facing the 9:00 wall

ENDING: At the end of the track, you will be facing the 9:00 wall; for a grand finish, angle your body toward the 12:00 wall and present your right arm forward toward 12:00 while raising your left arm straight up over your head


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