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Rudolf Got Run Over By A Snow Plow

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Improver Contra
Phil Johnson (UK) - November 2008
Rudolf Got Run Over By a Snow Plow - Rocky Zharpe : (CD: Rocky Zharp's Christmas Songs)
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Intro: 4 counts (192bbm)

Start in a line – from left to right - one facing back, next facing front and so on down the line. Right arms linked with your partner

Run Around
1-8 Full circle turning right running right left right left right left right left (release arms)

Run Backwards and forwards
9-12 Run back right left right left;
13-16 Run forwards right left right left.

Right Lock Right Hold. Left Lock Left Hold
17-20 Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right, Hold;
21-24 Step forward on left, lock right behind left, step forward on left, Hold.

Shuffle half Turn Left, Hold. Rock Left Back and Forward, Hold
25-28 ¼ turn left stepping right to right side, step left beside right (starting to ¼ turn left, ¼ turn left stepping right to right side;
29-32 Rock on back on left, recover weight forward on right, step forward on left, Hold.

Step Right Forward, Pivot Half Left, Step Right Forward, Clap. Step Left Forward, Pivot Half Turn Right, Step Left Forward, Clap
33-36 Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left, step forward on right, clap (or pull a party popper on beat);
37-40 Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right, step forward on left, clap (or pull a party popper on beat).

(Holding Hands travelling forward) Right Strut Left Strut Right Strut, Touch hold
Hold hands in line
41-44 Step right toe forward, drop onto right heel, step left heel forward, drop onto left heel;
45-48 Step right toe forward, drop onto right heel, touch left toe beside right, hold
(Say Happy Christmas to the person opposite you as you touch and hold).

(Holding Hands travelling backwards) Left Strut Right Strut Left Strut, Touch hold
Hold hands in line
49-52 Step back on left toe, drop onto left heel, step back on right toe, drop onto right heel;
53-56 Step back on left toe, drop onto left heel, touch right toe beside left, hold heel.( let hands go)

Rock Right Back, Recover, Step Right Forward. Left Lock Left Hold
57-60 Rock back on right, recover weight on left, step forward on right, hold
61-64 Step forward on left, lock right behind left, step forward on left, Hold (whilst linking right arms with your opposite partner

On count 64 you should be back in a single line facing front back front back etc. along the line

Have fun



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