Start dancing on lyrics
Rock Right, Triple Behind With Body Turned To Right, Rock Left, Triple Behind With Body Turned To Left
1-2 Rock right forward, recover to left
3&4 Turn 1/8 right and step right forward, step left together, turn 1/8 left and step right forward
5-6 Rock left forward, recover to right
7&8 Turn 1/8 left and step left forward, step right together, turn 1/8 right and step left forward
Right Triple Diagonally, Kick Left Twice, Left Triple Diagonally, Step Back Right Diagonal And Slide Left
1&2 Step right diagonally forward, step left together, step right forward
3-4 Kick left forward twice
5&6 Step left diagonally forward, step right together, step left forward
7-8 Step right diagonally back, slide/step left together
Triple In Place Twice, Touch Right Behind, Pivot ½ Turn, Triple Forward
1&2 Triple in place stepping right, left, right
3&4 Triple in place left, right, left
5-6 Touch right toe behind, unwind ½ right (weight to right)
7&8 Chassé forward left, right, left
Triple In Place Twice, Touch Right Behind, Pivot ½ Turn, Triple Forward
1&2 Triple in place stepping left, right, left
3&4 Triple in place right, left, right
5-6 Touch left toe behind, unwind ½ left (weight to left)
7&8 Chassé forward right, left, right
Right Heel, Step, Step, Left Heel, Step, Step, Jazz Box ¼ Turn Right
1&2 Step/grind right heel forward, recover to left, step right forward
3&4 Step/grind left heel forward, recover to right, step left forward
5-8 Cross right over left, step left back, turn ¼ right and step right to side, step left together
9-16 Repeat 1-8
Rock Right, Triple Behind With Body Turned To Right, Rock Left, Triple Behind With Body Turned To Left
1-2 Rock right forward, recover to left
3&4 Turn 1/8 right and step right forward, step left together, turn 1/8 left and step right forward
5-6 Rock left forward, recover to right
7&8 Turn 1/8 left and step left forward, step right together, turn 1/8 right and step left forward
Right Triple Diagonally, Kick Left Twice, Left Triple Diagonally, Step Back Right Diagonal And Slide Left
1&2 Step right diagonally forward, step left together, step right forward
3-4 Kick left forward twice
5&6 Step left diagonally forward, step right together, step left forward
7-8 Step right diagonally back, slide/step left together
Triple In Place Twice, Touch Right Behind, Pivot ½ Turn, Triple Forward
1&2 Triple in place stepping right, left, right
3&4 Triple in place left, right, left
5-6 Touch right toe behind, unwind ½ right (weight to right)
7&8 Chassé forward left, right, left
Triple In Place Twice, Touch Right Behind, Pivot ½ Turn, Triple Forward
1&2 Triple in place stepping left, right, left
3&4 Triple in place right, left, right
5-6 Touch left toe behind, unwind ½ left (weight to left)
7&8 Chassé forward right, left, right
Right Heel, Step, Step, Left Heel, Step, Step, Jazz Box ¼ Turn Right
1&2 Step/grind right heel forward, recover to left, step right forward
3&4 Step/grind left heel forward, recover to right, step left forward
5-8 Cross right over left, step left back, turn ¼ right and step right to side, step left together
9-16 Repeat 1-8