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Move Shake And Drop

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Regina Cheung (CAN) - September 2008
Count In: 32 counts intro from start of track

Thanks to Rachael McEnaney & Jessica Langstaff for their dance JR Drop, which inspired the first four counts of my choreographed dance for my beginners students.

(1 – 8) Dance starts with feet apart! twist right, twist left, twist right x 2, and, jazz box
& 1 & 2 twist right heel in towards left (&), return right heel to place (1), twist left heel in towards right (&), return left heel to place
& 3 & 4 twist right heel in towards left (&), return right heel to place (3), twist right heel in towards left (&), return right heel to place (4)
& 5 6 7 8 step slightly back on left foot, cross right over left, stepping back on left, step right to right side, step left forward [12.00]

(9 – 16) R side, together, L side, together, twist left, left coaster step
1 2 step right out to right side, step right next to left
3 4 step left out to left side, step left next to right
5 6 twist both feet to left, twist back to centre (weight on R)
7 & 8 step back on left, step right next to left, step forward on left [12.00]

(17 – 24) Vine Steps - R side, L behind, R side, stomp L beside R; L side, R behind, L side, stomp R beside L
1 2 3 4 right to right side, left behind right, right side again, stomp L beside
5 6 7 8 left to left side, right behind left, left side again, stomp R beside [12.00]

(25 – 32) R side step & L side step &, R forward step & L forward step &, R forward 1/2 turn left, R forward 1/2 turn left
1 & 2 & right out, back together, left out, back together
3 & 4 & right step forward, back together, left step forward, back together
5 6 7 8 right forward 1/2 turn left, right forward 1/2 turn left (weight on L) [12.00]

(33 – 40) R out, L out, R in, L in, jazz box 1/4 turn right
1 2 step right out, step left out (shoulder width)
3 4 step right in, close left next to right
5 6 step right across left, left back 1/4 turn right
7 8 step right to side, step left to side [3.00]

(41 – 48) right sailor, left sailor, R out, L out, knees pop 2 times
1 & 2 right step behind left, left step left, right step right
3 & 4 left step behind right, right step right, left step left
5 6 step right out, step left out
7 8 knees pop twice (weight on left) [3.00]
Prepare to twist your feet for the first bar


Tag - Wall 9 [12.00] :
1 – 4 bump Hips to right X 2, bump hips to left X 2
5 – 8 bump Hips to right X 2, bump hips to left X 2
9 – 16 roll hips counterclockwise X 2, shake hip to right and left with fingers up (singing – nothing wrong & nothing wrong)
17 – 32 Repeat 1 – 16 again
33 – 48 Repeat 33 - 48 of the main dance

Ending : 9:00, do 3 bounces from 9:00 to 12:00 :-)


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