CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Debbie Diachuk (CAN) - September 2008
Femininity - Cheyne Coates : (CD: Something Wicked This Way Comes)
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Intro: 32 count intro

(1-8) Shuffle Fwd (Rlr), Shuffle Fwd (Lrl) [12 :00], Fwd Touch (R), Back Touch (R), ¼ Turn Right With Heel Pops (X2) (Ll) [3:00]
1&2,3&4 step fwd R (1), step L beside right (&), step fwd R (2), step fwd L (3), step R beside left (&), step fwd L (4)
5-6&7&8 touch R toe fwd (5), touch R toe back (6), pivot on L toe ¼ turn right lifting L heel, up (&), down (7), up (&) down (8), leave right toe back while you heel pop so that your toe is left pointing to the right diagonal (3:00)

(9-16) Kick (R), Ball-Cross (Rl), Step (R), Hinge ½ Turn Left Onto L (L) [3:00], Cross (R), Side Touch (L), Cross (L), Side Touch (R) [9:00]
1&2,3–4 Kick R toe to right diagonal (low kick) (1), step R back onto the right ball of foot (&), cross L over right (2), step R to right side (3), pivot ½ turn left onto L (4)
5-8 cross step R over left (5), touch L to left side (6), cross step L over right (7), touch R to right side (8)

(17–24) Cross Behind (R), Turn ¼ Left Onto L (L), Side-Rock-Recover (Rl) [6:00], Cross (R), Step (L), Heel (R), Together (R), Rock (L) Recover (R) [6:00]
1–4 cross step R behind left (1), turn ¼ turn left onto L (2), step R to right side (rock) (3), recover onto L (4)
5&6&7-8 cross R over left (5), step left beside R (&), touch R heel fwd on the right diagonal (6), step R beside left - still on the right diagonal (&), step fwd (rock) onto L (7), straighten up to [6:00] and recover (step onto R) (8)

(25–32) Shuffle ¼ Turn Left (Lrl), Fwd ¼ Pivot Left Onto Left (Rl) With Weight [12:00], Step Together (R) , Side-Touch (L), Hold, Step Together (L), Side-Touch (R), Touch (R), Step ¼ Turn Right (R) [3:00]
1&2,3-4 step fwd ¼ turn left onto L (1), step R beside left (&), step L fwd (2), step R fwd ¼ pivot left (3) onto L (4)
&56&78& step R beside left (&), touch L toe to left side (5), hold (6), step L beside right (&), touch R toe to right side (7), touch R toe beside left (bend R knee inwards) (8), step ¼ turn right onto R (&)

(33–40) Walk (L), Walk (R), Fwd Chase ½ Turn (Lrl) [9:00], Fwd 1/2 Pivot (Rl), Triple-3/4 Turn On-The-Spot (Ccw) (Rlr) (6:00)
1–2,3&4 step fwd L (1), step fwd R(2), step fwd L pivot right ½ turn (3), onto R (&), step fwd L (4)
5- 6,7&8 step fwd R ½ pivot turn left (5), onto L (6), step R ¼ turn left (7), step L ¼ turn left (&), step R ¼ turn left (8) (3/4 triple turn on-the-spot)

(41– 48) Step To Left Side (L), Touch (R), Step To Right Side (R), Cross In Front (L), Step To Right Side (R) [6:00], Back Rock (L) Recover (R), Side-Rock (L), Recover ¼ Turn Right Onto Right (R) [9:00]
1–2&3–4 Step L to left side (1), touch R toe beside left (bend R knee inwards) (2), step R beside left (&), cross L in front of right (3), step R beside left (4)
5–8 step (rock) L behind right (5), recover onto R (6), step (rock) L to left side (7), recover 1/4 turn right onto R (8)

(49–56) Step Side (L), Together (R), Fwd Shuffle (Lrl) [9:00], Sway(R), Sway (L), Sway (R), Sway (L) (Hands On Hips) [9:00]
1–2,3&4 step L to left side (1), step R beside left (2), step fwd L (3), step R beside left (&), step fwd L (4)
5-8 step R to right side (place your hands on your hips like you would when they are in your front pockets ~ but outside your pockets), sway hips R (weight on R) (5), sway hips L (weight on L) (6), sway hips R (weight on R) (7), sway hips L (weight on L) (8)

(57–64) Touch (R), Step (R), Cross (L), Large Step (R), Drag (L) (Slow) Behind R (No Weight) [9:00], Ball–Change (Lr), Step To Left Side (L), Fwd Kick-Ball-Change (Rrl) [9:00]
1&2,3–4 touch R toe beside left (bend knee inwards) (1), step R beside left (&), cross L over right (2), step R to right side (R), drag L behind right slowly for two counts (3-4) no weight
&5–6,7&8 cross back behind right on ball of L foot (&) recover onto R (5), step L to left side (6), kick R toe fwd (low kick) (7), rock step back on ball of R foot (&), recover onto L (8)

~End Of Dance~

ONE RESTART: AFTER the 16th count into the 2nd wall


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