CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Intermediate
Maryloo (FR) - September 2008
Mercy - Duffy
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The dance begins when she sings "I love you ........."

Sequence : A , mini A , A , mini A , Tag , mini A , mini A , mini A

Step Side - Drag- - Back Rock - Side Rock- Back Rock
1 - 2 Step large step to right side, drag left slightly next to right
3 - 4 Rock left behind right , recover onto right
5 - 6 Rock left to left side, recover onto right
7 - 8 Rock left behind right, recover onto right .

Step Side - Drag - Back Rock - Side Rock- Back Rock
1 - 2 Step large step to left side, drag right slightly next to left
3 - 4 Rock right behind left , recover onto left
5 - 6 Rock right to right side, recover onto left
7 - 8 Rock right behind left , recover onto left .

Step - Drag - Behind - 1/4 Step - Step ½ Pivot - Step - Step - Hold
1 - 2 Step large step to right side, drag left slightly next to right
3 - 4 Cross left behind right, step right ¼ turn to right
5 - 6 Step left forward, pivot ½ turn to right, step right forward ( weight on right)
7 - 8 Step left forward , Hold

Left Traveling Forward - Hold - Right Traveling Forward (Or Lock Step Forward) - Hold
1 - 2 Make ½ turn on left stepping right back, make ½ turn left stepping left forward
3 - 4 Step right forward, Hold
5 - 6 Make ½ turn on right stepping left back, make ½ turn right stepping right forward.
7 - 8 Step left forward , Hold
5 - 8 left lock step forward (left, right, left), Hold

Side Rock - Forward - Side Rock - Forward - Right Mambo Forward - Left Sailor Making 1/4 Turn Left
1 & 2 Rock right to side, recover to left , step right forward
3 & 4 Rock left to side, recover to right , step left forward
5 & 6 Rock right forw ard , recover to left, step right together.
7 & 8 Cross left behind right, step right to side making ¼ turn left, step left to side.

Step Side - Drag - Cross Rock - Step Side- Drag - Back Rock
1 - 2 Step large right to right side, drag left next to right
3 - 4 Cross rock left over right, recover to right
5 - 6 Step large left to left side, drag right next to left
7 - 8 Rock right behind left , recover to left.

Right Rocking Chair - Hold - Unwind 3/4 Turn Left
1 - 2 Rock right forward, recover back onto left
3 - 4 Rock back onto right, recover onto left
5 - 6 Cross right over left, Hold
7 - 8 Unwind ¾ turn to left ( ending with weight on left)

PART " Mini A " : Do This First 40 Counts Of Part A

Rock Right Back - Weave To Right - Left Heel
1 - 2 Cross rock right behind left , recover on left
3 - 7 weave to right : step right to side , left behind right, right to side , left cross over right , right to side
8 Dig left heel diagonally forward left

Left Back Rock - Weave To Left - Right Heel
1 - 2 Cross rock left behind right , recover on right.
3 - 7 weave to left : step left to side ,right behind left, left to side , right cross over left , left to side
8 Dig right heel diagonally forward right

Repeat this 16 counts

1 - 2 Slow sway to right side
3 - 4 Slow sway to left side
5 - 6 Sway to right, sway to left
7 - 8 Sway to right, sway to left

The dance will finish after the 32 first counts of the part A


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