Intro: 32 counts (vocals).
Triple Step Diagonally Forward - Hold Or Scuff - Rocking Chair
1-2 Step forward with right foot (diagonally to right) - left beside right
3-4 Step forward with right foot (diagonally to right) - hold (or scuff left beside right)
5-6 Rock forward with left foot - recover to right
7-8 Rock back with left foot - recover to right
Triple Step Diagonally Forward - Hold Or Scuff - Rocking Chair
9-10 Step forward with left foot (diagonally to left) - light beside left
11-12 Step forward with left foot (diagonally to left) - hold (or scuff right beside left)
13-14 Rock forward with right foot - recover to left
15-16 Rock back with right foot - recover to left
Step Forward - Touch - Step Back - Touch - Basic To Right
17-18 Step forward with right foot - touch left beside right and clap hands
19-20 Step back with left foot - touch right beside left and clap hands
21-22 Step right to right side - left beside right
23-24 Step right to right side - left beside right (touch)
Low Mambo Step - Jazz Box
25-26 Rock forward with left foot - recover to right foot
27-28 Step left foot beside right - hold & clap
29-30 Cross right foot over left - small step left foot to left and bacl
31-32 Small step right foot to right side - step left forward
Triple Step Diagonally Forward - Hold Or Scuff - Rocking Chair
1-2 Step forward with right foot (diagonally to right) - left beside right
3-4 Step forward with right foot (diagonally to right) - hold (or scuff left beside right)
5-6 Rock forward with left foot - recover to right
7-8 Rock back with left foot - recover to right
Triple Step Diagonally Forward - Hold Or Scuff - Rocking Chair
9-10 Step forward with left foot (diagonally to left) - light beside left
11-12 Step forward with left foot (diagonally to left) - hold (or scuff right beside left)
13-14 Rock forward with right foot - recover to left
15-16 Rock back with right foot - recover to left
Step Forward - Touch - Step Back - Touch - Basic To Right
17-18 Step forward with right foot - touch left beside right and clap hands
19-20 Step back with left foot - touch right beside left and clap hands
21-22 Step right to right side - left beside right
23-24 Step right to right side - left beside right (touch)
Low Mambo Step - Jazz Box
25-26 Rock forward with left foot - recover to right foot
27-28 Step left foot beside right - hold & clap
29-30 Cross right foot over left - small step left foot to left and bacl
31-32 Small step right foot to right side - step left forward