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Ain't Bad

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Kevin Johnson (USA) - August 2008
Two Out of Three Ain't Bad - Meat Loaf
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Or Music: Like A Rock by Bob Seger

Step, Rock Recover, ½ Turn, Step, Rock Recover, Quarter, Triple ¾ Turn
1-2& Step left-to-left side, rock right behind left, recover on left (prepping for ½ turn over left shoulder)
3-4& Make ½ left turn stepping right-to-right side, rock left behind right, recover on right foot
5-6 Step ¼ turn left with left foot forward, step right forward
7&8& ¼ turn right with left to left side, ¼ turn right with right to right side, ¼ right with left to left side, step right forward (12:00)

Lunge, Rock Recover, Lunge, Rock Recover, Step Rock ½ Turn, Vine
1-2& Lunge left forward foot, rock right forward, recover on left
3-4& Lunge right back, rock left behind right, step on right forward
5-6& Step left forward, rock right forward, step left back
7&8& ½ turn right with right foot forward, ¼ turn right with left to left side, cross right over left, step left to side

Sweep, Vine, Rock Recover Forward, Rock ½ Turn, ½ Turn Left, ½ Turn Left
1-2&3 Cross right behind left while sweeping left foot front to back, step left foot behind right, right to right side, cross left over right
4&5 Rock right foot forward, recover on left, step on right foot forward
6&7 Rock left foot forward, recover on right, ½ turn left with left foot forward
8& ½ turn left while stepping right back, ½ turn left while stepping left forward

Simpler version for 8&1: step forward right, step forward left, sweep right out and around for ½ turn

Sweep ½ Turn, 2 Shuffles, Cross, Back, Side, ½ Turn Rock Recover, ½ Turn
1-2&3 ½ turn sweeping right around (weight still on left foot), step right foot forward, step left together, step right forward
4&5 Step left foot forward, step right foot next to left, step left forward
6&7 Cross right over left, step left back, step right to side
8& ½ turn right rocking on left-to-left side, recover on right, and then make another ½ turn right to restart the dance facing 9:00


Tags and restarts are for when you are dancing to "Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad" by Meatloaf.

TAG: On wall 6 facing 9:00, while dancing the last 8 counts of the dance, counts 1-2& are the same. Instead of turning ½ turn stay to that same wall and lunge right to right side, rock recover, then restart with left to left side on wall 6

TAG: On wall 7
1-2& Step left-to-left side, rock right behind left, recover on left
3-4& ½ turn left stepping right to right side, touch left foot behind right, ¼ turn left stepping left forward (this part is going to seem fast)
5& Facing 6:00 step forward right, step forward left
& Step forward right
&8 Step forward left, ¼ turn left, stepping right-to-right side

Restart dance stepping out left

RESTART: On wall 10 do the FIRST 8 counts plus the first 4& count on the next 8. So count to "12&" then restart, after lunge forward, rock recover back, rock recover, restart


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