CopperKnob Stepsheets

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The Shaft

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Coral Tucker (USA) - July 2008
Elevator - Flo Rida : (CD: Mail On Sunday)
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Sway-Sway, Sailor Step, Turn-Turn, Shuffle Side
1-2 Sway hips to the left, then to the right
3&4 Sailor step, stepping right behind left, left to the left, right to the right
5-6 Turn a whole turn to the right, hook left ankle around right while turning
7&8 Shuffle to right, stepping right, left, right

Heel And Heel, Toe Back, ¼ Turn Right, Hook Right Over Left, ½ Turn, Shuffle Forward, Kick Ball Change
1&2& Touch right heel forward, switch and touch left heel forward, step left back in place (weight)
3-4 Touch right toe back, turn ¼ right, hook right over left, continue turning ½ right
5&6 Shuffle forward, stepping right, left, right
7&8 Kick ball change, kicking left, weight left touch right toe

Step Back, Touch Back, Step-Touch- Slight ¼ Turn, Step ½ Turn, Triple Turn
1-2 Step right back, touch left back
3-4 Step left forward, touch right toe forward slightly turning ¼ left
5-6 Step right in place, make a ½ turn stepping right forward and left back
7&8 Triple ½ turn to the right, stepping right, left, right

Toe Touch, Center, Cross Kick, Toe Touch, Step, Lock Behind, Wide Step Back, Touch
1&2 Touch left toe to left, step left to center, touch right toe to right side
3&4 Kick right over left, step right to center, touch left toe to left
5-6 Step down on left, lock right foot behind left
7&8 Wide step right back, slide left foot to right touching toe in place



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