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El Shaddai

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Yeo Yu Puay (MY) - May 2008
El-Shaddai - Amy Grant : (CD: Classic Gold)
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Dance begins on the vocals on “dai” of El Shaddai

Side, Back-Rock, Side, Cross-Rock, Full Triple Turn Right (Moving To Right), Cross, Side-Rock Cross
1 2& Step right to the side(1), step left behind right(2), recover weight onto the right(&)
3 4& Step left to the side(3), cross right over left(4), recover weight onto the left(&)
5 6&7 Turning ¼ right step right forward(5), turning another ¼ right step left to the side(6), continue turning another ½ right stepping right to the side(&) [you’d have made a full right turn moving to the right], cross left over right (7)
8& 1 Step right to the side(8), recover weight onto the left(&), cross right over left(1)

Full Triple Turn Right (Moving To Left), Cross Rock, Diagonal Back Lock Back, Diagonal Back, Drag
2& 3 Turning ¼ right step left back(2), Turning ¼ right step right to the side(&), turning another ½ step left to the side(3) [you’d have made a full right turn moving to the left]
4& 5 Cross right over left(4), recover weight onto the left(&), take a big step diagonally right back(5)
6& 7 8 Lock left in front of right(6), step right diagonally back(&), take a big step diagonally left back(7), drag right foot to touch next to left(8)

Step Forward, Full Triple Turn Right Forwards Ending In A Lunge, Step Right Back Sweeping Left, Step Left Back Sweeping Right, Step Right Back Sweeping Into A Left Sailor, Right Scissors
1 Step right foot forward(1)
2& 3 Turning ¼ right step left to the side(2), turning ½ right step right to the side(&), turning ¼ right step and lunge left foot forward(3)
4 Recover weight onto right, sweeping left foot back
5 Step left back, sweeping right foot back
6 Step right back, sweeping left foot back
&7& Step left foot behind right(&), step right to the side(7), step left on the spot(&)
8& 1 Take a big step to right (8), step left next to right(&), cross right over left(1)

Step Lock Step Into Left Diagonal, Step Lock Step Into Right Diagonal, Cross Rock Side, Drag & Turn ¼ Left, Pose
2& 3 Step left forward into the left diagonal(2), lock right behind left(&), step left forward into the left diagonal(3)
4& 5 Step right forward into the right diagonal(4), lock left behind right(&), step right forward into the right diagonal(5)
6& 7 Cross left over right(6), recover weight onto the right(&), take a big step to the left(7)
8 Drag right foot towards the left ending with a ¼ turn left, right toe pointed down, knee out in a figure 4, head looking to the right(8)

Start again facing new wall

RESTART: There is a restart AFTER the FIRST 16 beats on Wall 4 (facing 3 o’clock).

TAG: There is a tag at the END of Wall 5 (facing 3 o’clock). Here the music slows down into a pause. The last 4 beats of that wall be as follows:
Cross Rock Side, Drag, Cross & Unwind 1¼ Left, Hold……
6& 7 Cross left over right, recover weight onto the right, take a big step to the left
8& 1 hold Drag right foot towards the left, cross right over left, do a slow 1¼ left unwind to face 12 o’clock(keeping weight on the left), then hold till the singer sings El Shaddai starting again on the “dai”

Start again facing 12 o’clock

When the music builds up at the end of Wall 6 (facing 12 o’clock), you can add two quick paddles to the last two beats turning 1¼ left, as follows:
Cross Rock Side With ¼ Turn Left, Two Quick Paddles Turning Full Turn Left
6& 7 Cross left over right, recover weight onto the right, take a big step to the left turning ¼ left
&8&a Step ball of right foot forward and turn a ½ left shifting weight to the left foot, Step ball of right foot forward and turn a ½ left shifting weight to the left foot

Start again facing 9 o’clock wall

Express yourself………… and enjoy! J

**Special thanks to**:
Judy, Alice and Pat for their invaluable input to this dance, and especially to my El Shaddai… THANK YOU for the gift of dance.


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