CopperKnob Stepsheets

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That Changes Everything

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Nadia Friel (AUS) - June 2008
That Changes Everything - Adam Brand : (CD: What A Life)
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(1 – 8) Forward, Replace, ¼ R Side, Replace, Behind, Side, Forward, Pivot
1-4 Step R forward, replace weight on L, turn ¼ R step R to side, replace weight on L
5-8 Step R behind L, step L to side, step R forward, pivot ½ L keeping weight on R

(9 – 16) Toe Strut Back, Toe Strut Back, Coaster Step, Hold
1-4 Step L toe back, drop L heel, step R toe back, drop R heel
5-8 Step L back, step R together, step L forward, hold

(17 – 24) Rocking Chair, Forward, ¾ Turn, Hold
1-4 Step R forward, replace weight on L, step R back, replace weight forward on L
5-8 Step R forward, pivot ½ L, turn ¼ L and step R to side, hold

(25 – 32) Back, Rock, Side, Rock, Behind, Side Cross, Hold
1-4 Step L back, replace weight on R, step L to L side, replace weight on R
5-8 Step L behind R, step R to side, step L across R, hold

(33 – 40) Side, ¼ Turn, Forward, Hold, Full Turn, Forward, Hold
1-4 Step R to side, turn ¼ L and replace weight on L, step R forward, hold
5-8 Turn ½ R and step L back, turn a further ½ R and step R forward, step L forward, hold

(41 – 48) Heel Strut, ¼ Turn Heel Strut, Forward, Replace, ½ Turn, Hold
1-4 Step R heel forward, drop R toe, turn ¼ L and step L heel forward, drop L toe
5-8 Step R forward, replace weight back on L, turn ½ R and step R forward, hold

(49 – 56) FORWARD, Pivot, Forward, Hold, Heel Strut, Heel Strut
1-4 Step L forward, pivot ½ R, step L forward, hold
5-8 Step R heel forward, drop R toe, step L heel forward, drop L toe,

(57 – 64) Forward, Replace, 1/2 Turn, Hold, Forward, ¼ Turn, Forward, Hold
1-4 Step R forward, replace back on L, turn ½ R and step R forward, hold
5-8 Step L forward, pivot ¼ R, step L forward, hold



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