CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Eternally Yours

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Phrased Intermediate
John Robinson (USA), Indiana Hunyadi & Kathy Hunyadi (USA) - May 2008
I Wanna Be the Only One (feat. Bebe Winans) - Eternal : (CD: Before The)
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When using the CD single (the preferred version, approximately 3:36 in length), start 16 counts in; the album version has a 32-count introduction. In either case, start with the first verse (vocals).

PHRASING: ABA ABA BBBB AAA B (For a grand finish, pivot 3/4 turn to face the front wall on the last counts of the final B.)

*** PART A ***: 32 Counts
Step Out R-L, R Sailor Step, L Touch Back, Reverse 1/2 Pivot, R Syncopated Rocking Chair
1,2 (Out, out) R step forward and side right (1), L step forward and side left (shoulder-width apart from R) (2)
3&4 (Sailor step) R step ball of foot behind L (3), L small step side left (&), R step forward and side right (4)
5,6 (Reverse half) L touch back bending knees slightly (5), pivot 1/2 left (6:00) straightening knees/taking weight on L (6)
7&8& (Forward & back &) R rock ball of foot forward (7), recover to L (&), R rock ball of foot back (8), recover to L (&)

R Side Step, L Touch Behind, L Hitch-Ball-Step (Angling Body Left), Walk L-R Starting Full Circle, Run L-R-L Continuing Circle
1,2 (Side, touch) Pushing off L, R step side right (1), L touch behind R angling body diagonally left (4:30) (2)
3&4 (Hitch-ball-step) Keeping body angled left, raise/hitch L knee (3), L step ball of foot next to R (&), R step forward (4)
5,6 (Walk, walk) Starting full turning circle left, L step forward (5), R step forward continuing circular turn (6)
7&8 (Run-run-run) Continuing circular turn, L step forward (7), R step next to L (&), L step forward (8)

Run R-L Finishing Circle, R Point Side Right, R Kick Forward & Turn 1/4 Right Rocking Side L & Recover, L Press Forward, Recover, L Coaster Step
&1,2 (Run-run, point) Finishing circular turn, R step next to L (&), L step forward (6:00) (1), R touch side right (2)
3&4& (Kick & rock &) R kick forward (3), R step next to L turning 1/4 right (9:00) (&), L rock ball of foot side left (4), recover to R (&)
5,6 (Press, recover) L press ball of foot forward (5), recover to R (6)
7&8 (Coaster step) L step ball of foot back (7), R step ball of foot back next to L (&), L step forward (8)

(&) L Step Forward, R Touch Next To L, R Touch Side Right, Pivot 1/4 Right Stepping R Next To L, L Side Rock & Step Across R, Hold, Turn 1/4 Right As You Step Forward R-L Bringing Feet Together
&1,2 (Ball-step, touch) R step ball of foot next to L (&), L step forward (1), R touch next to L (2)
3,4 (Out, quarter) R touch side right (3), pivot 1/4 right (12:00) stepping R next to L (4)
5&6 (Side rock, cross) L rock ball of foot side left (5), recover to R (&), L step across R (6)
7&8 (Hold, right-left) Hold position (7), step R forward into 1/4 turn right (3:00) (&), step L next to R (8)

*** PART B ***: 16 Counts
Forward Diagonal Step Touches (R-L), R Side Step, L Step Across, R Step Back-L Step Back-R Step Across
1,2 (Step, touch) R step diagonally forward toward 4:30 (1), L touch next to R (2)
3,4 (Step, touch) L step diagonally forward toward 1:30 (3), R touch next to L (4)
5,6 (Side, cross) R step side right (5), L step across R (6)
7&8 (Back-back-cross) R step back (7), L step back and slightly left (&), R step across L (8)

Backward Diagonal Step Touches (L-R), Walk L-R, L Step Forward, 1/4 Pivot Right, L Step Forward
1,2 (Back, touch) L step diagonally back toward 11:30 (1), R touch next to L (2)
3,4 (Back, touch) R step diagonally back toward 7:30 (3), L touch next to R (4)
5,6 (Walk, walk L) step forward (5), R step forward (6)
7&8 (Quarter turn, step) L step ball of foot forward (7), pivot 1/4 right (6:00), weight on R (&), L step forward (8)

Start Again And Enjoy!


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