Count in: 16 beats. (10 secs, on vocals) 128bpm.
Section 1
Fwd Right Lock Right, Out Out. Fwd Left Lock Left, Out Out.
1, 2 Step right foot forward, lock step left behind right
3 &4 Step right foot forward, step left out to left side(&) step right out to right side, (at least shoulder width apart).
5, 6 Step left foot forward, lock step right behind left
7 &8 Step left foot forward, step right out to right side(&) step left out to left side (at least shoulder width apart). (12.00)
Section 2.
Together, Jump Apart ¼ Turn Left, ¼ Pivot Left, Step Fwd Right. Left Sailor Step, Right Sailor Step.
1 Draw both feet together by doing a little jump but keeping feet in contact with floor.
2 Make ¼ turn left as jump both feet apart. (9.00)
3, 4 ¼ pivot turn left (weight on left), step forward on right. (6.00)
5 & 6 Left sailor step
7 & 8 Right Sailor step.
Section 3.
Cross, Point, ½ Monterey, Point, Together. Point, Together, Kick, Cross
1, 2 Cross step left over right, point right to right side.
3, 4 ½ Monterey turn right stepping right alongside left, point left to left side (12.00)
&5, 6 Step left alongside right (&), point right to right side, step right alongside left.
7, 8 Kick left forward, cross step left over right.
Section 4.
Point, Together, Kick, Cross, Step Back, ¼ Turn Left, Fwd Mambo Touch.
1, 2 Point right to right side, step right alongside left.
3, 4 Kick left forward, cross step left over right.
5, 6 Step back on right, ¼ turn left stepping left to left side. (9.00)
7, 8 Rock forward onto right, rock back onto left, touch right alongside left. (9.00)
TAG 1. Step right back, step left alongside right, step right forward, step left forward. Touch right toes across left, touch right toes out to right side, touch right toes back, touch right toes alongside left. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).
TAG 2. Touch right toes across left, touch right toes out to right side, touch right toes back, touch right toes alongside left. (1, 2, 3, 4). (This is the same as counts 5, 6, 7, 8, in Tag 1).
Tags danced as follows:
End of Wall 1: Dance Tag 1. (8 counts). (9.00)
End of Wall 3: Dance Tag 1 followed by Tag 2. (12 counts). (3.00)
End of Wall 4: Dance Tag 1 followed by Tag 2. (12 counts). (12.00)
End of Wall 8: Dance Tag 1 Twice. (16 counts). (12.00)
End of Wall 11: Dance Tag 2. (4 counts). (3.00)
Choreographers note: This dance is as much about the tags and phrasing to the fun song, as the main part of the dance, but can be danced unphrased without the tags, (DJs split the floor).
Section 1
Fwd Right Lock Right, Out Out. Fwd Left Lock Left, Out Out.
1, 2 Step right foot forward, lock step left behind right
3 &4 Step right foot forward, step left out to left side(&) step right out to right side, (at least shoulder width apart).
5, 6 Step left foot forward, lock step right behind left
7 &8 Step left foot forward, step right out to right side(&) step left out to left side (at least shoulder width apart). (12.00)
Section 2.
Together, Jump Apart ¼ Turn Left, ¼ Pivot Left, Step Fwd Right. Left Sailor Step, Right Sailor Step.
1 Draw both feet together by doing a little jump but keeping feet in contact with floor.
2 Make ¼ turn left as jump both feet apart. (9.00)
3, 4 ¼ pivot turn left (weight on left), step forward on right. (6.00)
5 & 6 Left sailor step
7 & 8 Right Sailor step.
Section 3.
Cross, Point, ½ Monterey, Point, Together. Point, Together, Kick, Cross
1, 2 Cross step left over right, point right to right side.
3, 4 ½ Monterey turn right stepping right alongside left, point left to left side (12.00)
&5, 6 Step left alongside right (&), point right to right side, step right alongside left.
7, 8 Kick left forward, cross step left over right.
Section 4.
Point, Together, Kick, Cross, Step Back, ¼ Turn Left, Fwd Mambo Touch.
1, 2 Point right to right side, step right alongside left.
3, 4 Kick left forward, cross step left over right.
5, 6 Step back on right, ¼ turn left stepping left to left side. (9.00)
7, 8 Rock forward onto right, rock back onto left, touch right alongside left. (9.00)
TAG 1. Step right back, step left alongside right, step right forward, step left forward. Touch right toes across left, touch right toes out to right side, touch right toes back, touch right toes alongside left. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).
TAG 2. Touch right toes across left, touch right toes out to right side, touch right toes back, touch right toes alongside left. (1, 2, 3, 4). (This is the same as counts 5, 6, 7, 8, in Tag 1).
Tags danced as follows:
End of Wall 1: Dance Tag 1. (8 counts). (9.00)
End of Wall 3: Dance Tag 1 followed by Tag 2. (12 counts). (3.00)
End of Wall 4: Dance Tag 1 followed by Tag 2. (12 counts). (12.00)
End of Wall 8: Dance Tag 1 Twice. (16 counts). (12.00)
End of Wall 11: Dance Tag 2. (4 counts). (3.00)
Choreographers note: This dance is as much about the tags and phrasing to the fun song, as the main part of the dance, but can be danced unphrased without the tags, (DJs split the floor).