High Intermediate Cha Cha
Side, cross rock, hip bumps, cross rock, side rock, cross, ¼ turn L
1 Step right foot to right side
2& Cross rock left in front of right, recover weight onto right
3,4 Point left toe to left side and push hip to left twice
5& Cross rock left in front of right, recover weight onto right
6& Rock left foot to left side, recover weight onto right
7&8 Step left foot in front of right, make a ¼ turn L step back on right, step left beside right
Step fwd, lock step, step fwd, L triple fwd, rock step, sweep
1 Step fwd on right foot (9.00)
&2 Step fwd on left foot, lock right behind left
&3 Step fwd on left foot, step fwd on right foot
4&5 Step fwd on left, step right beside left, step fwd on left
6,7 Rock fwd on right foot, recover weight onto left begin sweep with right from front to back
8 Finish sweep with right foot
Backwards with cuban hips
&1 Step back on right foot, point left toe fwd with bend knee
&2 Step back on left foot, point right toe fwd with bend knee
&3 Step back on right foot, point left toe fwd with bend knee
4 Hold
5 Point left toe fwd
&6 Step back on left foot, point right toe fwd with bend knee
&7 Step back on right foot, point left toe fwd with bend knee
8 Hold
Samba movement, cross, side, hip roll, full turn R
1&2 Step left foot in front of right, step right to right side, step left foot in place
3,4 Step right foot in front of left, step left foot to left side
5,6 Roll hips counter clockwise, end with weight on left
7,8 Step on right foot make a ½ turn R (3.00), step left foot side and make a ½ turn R (end facing 9.00)
Start dance again with count 1
1 Step right foot to right side
2& Cross rock left in front of right, recover weight onto right
3,4 Point left toe to left side and push hip to left twice
5& Cross rock left in front of right, recover weight onto right
6& Rock left foot to left side, recover weight onto right
7&8 Step left foot in front of right, make a ¼ turn L step back on right, step left beside right
Step fwd, lock step, step fwd, L triple fwd, rock step, sweep
1 Step fwd on right foot (9.00)
&2 Step fwd on left foot, lock right behind left
&3 Step fwd on left foot, step fwd on right foot
4&5 Step fwd on left, step right beside left, step fwd on left
6,7 Rock fwd on right foot, recover weight onto left begin sweep with right from front to back
8 Finish sweep with right foot
Backwards with cuban hips
&1 Step back on right foot, point left toe fwd with bend knee
&2 Step back on left foot, point right toe fwd with bend knee
&3 Step back on right foot, point left toe fwd with bend knee
4 Hold
5 Point left toe fwd
&6 Step back on left foot, point right toe fwd with bend knee
&7 Step back on right foot, point left toe fwd with bend knee
8 Hold
Samba movement, cross, side, hip roll, full turn R
1&2 Step left foot in front of right, step right to right side, step left foot in place
3,4 Step right foot in front of left, step left foot to left side
5,6 Roll hips counter clockwise, end with weight on left
7,8 Step on right foot make a ½ turn R (3.00), step left foot side and make a ½ turn R (end facing 9.00)
Start dance again with count 1