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Turn It Loose

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Steve Rutter (UK) & Claire Butterworth (UK) - June 2008
Let's Dance - Miley Cyrus : (CD: Hannah Montana 2)
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Start On the Word "DANCE" when she begins singing "I DANCE.."

Section 1: Right Lock, ¾ Turn Left, Heel Touch, Hold & Click, Right Lock, ½ Turn Left, Heel Touch, Hold & Click.
1-2 Step forward on right, lock left behind right.
& Make a half turn left stepping back on right.
3-4 Make a quarter turn left touching left heel forward, hold & click fingers at shoulder height.
& Close left beside right.
Restart: When Dancing Wall 4 restart dance here facing 6 o'clock.
5-6 Step forward on right, lock left behind right.
& Make a half turn left stepping back on right.
7-8 Touch left heel forward, hold & click fingers at shoulder height. (9 o'clock)

Section 2: Close, Press, Ronde', Sailor ¼ Turn Right, Step Forward, Pivot ½ Turn Right, Scuff, Hitch, Step.
&1 Close left beside right, press weight forward onto right.
2 Recover weight onto left, sweeping right around from front to back.
3&4 Cross right behind left, make a quarter turn right stepping left beside right (taking weight), replace weight onto right.
5-6 Step forward on left, pivot a half turn right.
7&8 Scuff (brush) left forward, hitch left knee while scooting forward on right, step forward on left. (6 o'clock)

Section 3: Heel Jack, Body Roll, Close, Step Forward, Pivot ½ Turn Left, Triple Full Turn Left.
1&2 Touch right toe beside left, step back on right, touch left heel forward.
3&4 Body roll over 2 counts.
Option: Dancers who don't want to Body roll can bump hips Left, Right, Left (3&4).
& Close left beside right.
5-6 Step forward on right, pivot a half turn left.
7&8 Make a full turn left stepping on right, left, right. (12 o'clock)

Section 4: Modified Monterey ¼ Turn Left, Side Step, Close, Walk Back (With Knee Pops), Coaster Step.
1&2 Touch left toe to left side, make a quarter turn left closing left beside right, touch right toe to right side.
& Close right beside left.
3-4 Step left to left side, close right beside left.
5-6 Step back on left popping right knee forward, step back on right popping left knee forward.
7 Step back on left popping right knee forward.
8& Step back on right, close left beside right. (9 o'clock)

Restart: When Dancing Wall 4 which will start at 3 o'clock only dance as far as count 4& (Right Lock, ¾ Turn Left, Heel Touch) and then restart dance from beginning, you will now be facing 6 o'clock.

Begin Again.


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