CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Let's Be Lazy

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Sue Ann Ehmann (USA) - June 2008
All I Want to Do - Sugarland : (CD: Love On The Inside)
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Intro: 16 counts (Vocals)

Special thanks to Harlan Curtis for the music suggestion.

(1-8) Right Forward Coaster, Left Back Coaster, Forward Left 1/2 Triple, Left Back Coaster
1&2 Step right forward, step left beside right, step right back
3&4 Step left back, step right beside left, step left forward
5&6 Turning 1/4 left step right to side, step left next to right, turning 1/4 left step right back (6:00)
7&8 Step left back, step right beside right, step left forward

(9-16) Side Rock Recover Cross, Side Rock Recover 1/4 Turn, Step, Triple, Full Turn
1&2 Step right to side, recover to left, cross right over left
3&4 Step left to sid e, recover to right turning 1/4 right, step forward left (9:00)
5&6 Step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward
7-8 Turning 1/2 right step left back, turning 1/2 right step right forward (9:00)

(17-24) Forward Rock Recover, Lock Step Back, Step Back, Step Back, Lock Step Back
1-2 Rock left forward, recover right
3&4 Step left back, slide right in front of left, step left back
(Use your left index finger during these first 4 counts for the "Come a little closer" lyric the second and third time you dance this section)
5-6 Step right back, step left back
7&8 Step right back, slide left in front of right, step right back

(25-32) Side Rock Recover 1/4 Turn Right, 1/2 Turn Right, Triple Forward, 1/2 Turn Left
1-2 Rock left to side, recover to right turning 1/4 right (12:00)
3-4 Step left forward, turn 1/2 right and step right in place (6:00)
5&6 Step left forward, step right next to left, step le ft forward
7-8 Step right forward, turn 1/2 left and step left in place (12:00)

(33-40) Diagonal Step Right, Hold, Sway, Sway, Diagonal Step Left, Hold, Sway, Sway
1-2 Step forward to right diagonal, hold
3-4 Rock left to side, recover to right
5-6 Step forward to left diagonal, hold
7-8 Rock right to side, recover to left

(41-48) Right Hip Bumps Up And Down, Left Hip Bumps Up And Down
1&2& Touch right foot slightly forward and bump hips right raising body slightly, bump hips left returning body to center, bump hips right lowering body slightly, bump hips left returning body to center
3&4 Bump hips right raising body slightly, bump hips left returning body to center, shift weight to right
5&6& Touch left foot slightly forward and bump hips left raising body slightly, bump hips right returning body to center, bump hips left lowering body slightly, bump hips right returning body to center
7&8 Bump hips left raising body slight ly, bump hips right returning body to center, shift weight to left

(49-56) Right Hip Bump, 1/4 Turn Left, Left Hip Bump, 1/4 Turn Left, 1/2 Turn Left, Step, Step
1-2 Keeping weight on left touch right foot slightly forward and bump hip right, turn 1/4 left and step right in place (9:00)
3-4 Keeping weight on right bump hip left, turn 1/4 left stepping onto left (6:00)
5-6 Step right forward, turn 1/2 left and step left in place (12:00)
7-8 Step right slightly forward, step left beside right

(57-72) REPEAT STEPS 41-56 (Note: 41-72 are always danced during the chorus.)

(73-80) 1/4 Turn Right Triple Forward, Full Turn Right, Triple Forward, Turn 1/4 Left
1&2 Turn 1/4 right step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward (3:00)
3-4 Turning 1/2 right step left back, turning 1/2 right step right forward (3:00)
5&6 Step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward
7-8 Step right fo rward, turn 1/4 left and step left in place (12:00)

(81-88) 1/4 Turn Left Triple Forward, Full Turn Right, Triple Forward, Turn 1/4 Left
1&2 Turning 1/4 left step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward (9:00)
3-4 Turning 1/2 right step left back, turning 1/2 right step right forward (9:00)
5&6 Step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward
7-8 Step right forward, turn 1/4 left and step left in place (6:00)

REPEAT 1: End of wall 2 (facing 12:00), Repeat counts 41- 72 during the chorus, then restart and dance all the way through.

REPEAT 2: End of wall 3 (facing 6:00), Repeat the last 8 counts (81-88), then repeat counts 41-56 to finish the dance.


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