Starting point: At vocals, at about 0:14.
Mambo Forward, Mambo Back, Merengue Steps To Right
1&2 Step right forward, recover weight to left, step right next to left
3&4 Step left back, recover weight to right, step left next to right
5-6 Step right to side, step left next to right
7-8 Step right to side, step left next to right
Note: Bend your knees inwards a bit when stepping the merengue steps. You can also do the merengue steps at a double-speed stepping side-next-side-next-side-next-side-next (5&6&7&8&) should you find the normal steps too slow.
Side Mambo, Side Mambo With A Touch, Merengue Steps To Left
1&2 Step right to side, recover weight to left, step right next to left
3&4 Step left t o side, recover weight to right, touch left next to right
5-6 Step left to side, step right next to left
7-8 Step left to side, touch right next to left
Note: Bend your knees inwards a bit when stepping the merengue steps.You can also do the merengue steps at a double-speed stepping side-next-side-next-side-next-side-touch (5&6&7&8&) should you find the normal steps too slow.
Cross, Back, Side, Cross, Back, Side, Cross Steps
1&2 Step right across left, step left back, step right to side
3&4 Step left across right, step right back, step left to side
5& Step right across left, step left to side
6& Step right across left, step left to side
7&8 Step right across left, step left to side, step right across left
Side Rock, Behind-Turn-Forward, Cross-Turn-Side, Behind-Turn-Side
1-2 Rock left to side, recover weight back to right
3&4 Step right behind left, turn ¼ to right and step right forward, step left forward (03:00)
5&6 Step right ac ross left, turn ¼ to right and step left back, step right to right diagonal (06:00)
7&8 Step left behind right, turn ¼ to right and step right forward, step left to side (09:00)
Mambo Forward, Mambo Back, Merengue Steps To Right
1&2 Step right forward, recover weight to left, step right next to left
3&4 Step left back, recover weight to right, step left next to right
5-6 Step right to side, step left next to right
7-8 Step right to side, step left next to right
Note: Bend your knees inwards a bit when stepping the merengue steps. You can also do the merengue steps at a double-speed stepping side-next-side-next-side-next-side-next (5&6&7&8&) should you find the normal steps too slow.
Side Mambo, Side Mambo With A Touch, Merengue Steps To Left
1&2 Step right to side, recover weight to left, step right next to left
3&4 Step left t o side, recover weight to right, touch left next to right
5-6 Step left to side, step right next to left
7-8 Step left to side, touch right next to left
Note: Bend your knees inwards a bit when stepping the merengue steps.You can also do the merengue steps at a double-speed stepping side-next-side-next-side-next-side-touch (5&6&7&8&) should you find the normal steps too slow.
Cross, Back, Side, Cross, Back, Side, Cross Steps
1&2 Step right across left, step left back, step right to side
3&4 Step left across right, step right back, step left to side
5& Step right across left, step left to side
6& Step right across left, step left to side
7&8 Step right across left, step left to side, step right across left
Side Rock, Behind-Turn-Forward, Cross-Turn-Side, Behind-Turn-Side
1-2 Rock left to side, recover weight back to right
3&4 Step right behind left, turn ¼ to right and step right forward, step left forward (03:00)
5&6 Step right ac ross left, turn ¼ to right and step left back, step right to right diagonal (06:00)
7&8 Step left behind right, turn ¼ to right and step right forward, step left to side (09:00)