Easy Intermediate
Start: 40 counts into music (at vocals)
Skate, Skate, Triple Step Fwd, Skate, Skate, Cross Rock Quarter Turn Left
1,2 Skate fwd R, Skate fwd L,
3&4 Shuffle fwd R,L,R
5,6 Skate fwd L, Skate fwd R,
7&8 Cross L over R, Recover to R, ¼ turn Left onto L foot
Step, Touch, Step, Touch, Side Rock, Recover, Cross, Weave Left
1&2& Step forward on R to R diagonal, touch L next to R, step back on L to L diagonal, touch R next to L
3&4 Rock out to R on R, recover on L, step R over L
5&6& Step L out to L, step R behind L, step L out to L, step R over L
7&8 Step L out to L, step R behind L, step L out to L
¼ Pivot L, Kick-ball-change, Hip Bumps
1-2 Step forward on R, pivot ¼ turn to L stepping L in place (9:00)
3&4 Kick R forward, place ball of R next to L, step L in place
5-6 (step R slightly out to R) Bump hips to R, bump hips to L
7&8 Bump hips to R, bump hips to L, bump hips to R (weight ending on R)
Step, Lock, Step, Quarter turn L and Cross, Side Rock, Front Rock, Syncopated Weave
1&2 Step, Lock, Step fwd (L,R,L)
3&4 Step fwd on R, ¼ turn to left onto L foot, Cross R over L,
5&6& Rock out onto L, Recover to R, Rock fwd on L, Recover to R
7&8 L behind R, Step R to right side, Cross L over R
Begin Again….
Tag: 16 Counts(at end of 6th wall)
Rock, Recover, Triple ½ Turn, Roll Hips, Rock, Recover, Triple ½ Turn, Roll Hips
1-2 Rock forward on R, recover on L
3&4 Triple ½ turn over R shoulder (step forward on R with ½ turn, step L next to R, step R forward)
5-8 Step L slightly out to L, roll hips CCW in two circles (5-6, 7-8 ending with weight on L)
1-2 Rock forward on R, recover on L
3&4 Triple ½ turn over R shoulder (step forward on R with ½ turn, step L next to R, step R forward)
5-8 Step L slightly out to L, roll hips CCW in two circles (5-6, 7-8 ending with weight on L)
Skate, Skate, Triple Step Fwd, Skate, Skate, Cross Rock Quarter Turn Left
1,2 Skate fwd R, Skate fwd L,
3&4 Shuffle fwd R,L,R
5,6 Skate fwd L, Skate fwd R,
7&8 Cross L over R, Recover to R, ¼ turn Left onto L foot
Step, Touch, Step, Touch, Side Rock, Recover, Cross, Weave Left
1&2& Step forward on R to R diagonal, touch L next to R, step back on L to L diagonal, touch R next to L
3&4 Rock out to R on R, recover on L, step R over L
5&6& Step L out to L, step R behind L, step L out to L, step R over L
7&8 Step L out to L, step R behind L, step L out to L
¼ Pivot L, Kick-ball-change, Hip Bumps
1-2 Step forward on R, pivot ¼ turn to L stepping L in place (9:00)
3&4 Kick R forward, place ball of R next to L, step L in place
5-6 (step R slightly out to R) Bump hips to R, bump hips to L
7&8 Bump hips to R, bump hips to L, bump hips to R (weight ending on R)
Step, Lock, Step, Quarter turn L and Cross, Side Rock, Front Rock, Syncopated Weave
1&2 Step, Lock, Step fwd (L,R,L)
3&4 Step fwd on R, ¼ turn to left onto L foot, Cross R over L,
5&6& Rock out onto L, Recover to R, Rock fwd on L, Recover to R
7&8 L behind R, Step R to right side, Cross L over R
Begin Again….
Tag: 16 Counts(at end of 6th wall)
Rock, Recover, Triple ½ Turn, Roll Hips, Rock, Recover, Triple ½ Turn, Roll Hips
1-2 Rock forward on R, recover on L
3&4 Triple ½ turn over R shoulder (step forward on R with ½ turn, step L next to R, step R forward)
5-8 Step L slightly out to L, roll hips CCW in two circles (5-6, 7-8 ending with weight on L)
1-2 Rock forward on R, recover on L
3&4 Triple ½ turn over R shoulder (step forward on R with ½ turn, step L next to R, step R forward)
5-8 Step L slightly out to L, roll hips CCW in two circles (5-6, 7-8 ending with weight on L)