CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Travis Taylor (AUS) & Kate Simpkin (AUS) - May 2008
Faith In Love (feat. Rascal Flatts) - Reba McEntire : (CD: Reba Duets)
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Start 16 counts from the start (Heavy Beat) (2 Counts before Lyrics).

Step Slide Together Cross, Step Slide Behind ¼ Turn, Replace ½, ½ Sweep, Step Back, Coaster Step
1-2& Step R to R side whilst sliding L together, step L together, cross R over L
3-4& Step L to L side whilst sliding R together, step R behind L, ¼ turn L stepping forward on L (9:00)
5&6 Replace weight on R, ½ turn L stepping L forward, ½ turn L stepping R back whilst sweeping L around R
7-8& Step back on L, step back on R, step L together (9:00)

Step Turn, Turn, Pivot ¼, Cross Side Behind & Cross Rock/Replace
1-2 Step forward on R, ½ turn L putting weight on L,
3-4& ½ turn R putting weight on R, step forward on L, ¼ turn R putting weight on R
5&6& Cross L over R, step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side,
7-8 Rock L foot over R, replace weight on R (12:00)

(&) Full Turn Hitch, Side Together Side, Replace, ¼, Lock Back ½, Pivot (Raise/Drop)
&1 ¼ turn L stepping forward on L, Step forward on R whilst hitching L knee turning ¾ turn L (12:00)
2&3-4 Step L to L side,*(RESTART)*, step R together, step L to L side, replace weight on R (12.00)
&5&6 ¼ turn L stepping back on L, lock R foot over L, step back on L, ½ turn R stepping forward on R,
7-8 Step forward on L (raising heels), ½ turn R putting weight on R (drop heels) (9.00)

Shuffle Drag, Side Rock/Replace & ¾ Turn Rock Forward/Replace, Coaster Cross Sweep
1&2 Step forward on L, step R together, step forward on L whilst dragging R together
3-4& Rock R to R side, replace weight on L, ¾ turn R stepping R together (End on 6:00)
5-6 Rock forward on L, replace weight on R *(RESTART)*
7&8 Step back on L, step R together, cross L over R whilst sweeping R around (6:00)

Cross ¼ Back Drag, Back ½ Step, Replace ½ ¼, Sailor/Flick
1&2 Cross R over L, ¼ turn L stepping back on L, step back on R whilst dragging L past R
3&4 Step back on L, ½ turn R stepping forward on R, step forward on L, (3:00)
5&6 Replace weight on R, ½ turn L stepping forward on L, ¼ turn L stepping R to R side
7&8 Step L behind R, step R to R side, Step L to L side whilst flicking R foot behind L knee (6:00)

Tags: the END of wall 2 & 4

Step Slide, Behind Side, Step Slide, Behind Side
1-2& Step R to R side whilst dragging L together, step L behind R, step R to R side
3-4& Step L to L side whilst dragging R together, step R behind L, step L to L side

*(Wall 5)* on count 18… Step L to L side whilst dragging R together to restart the dance

*(Wall 6)* on count 30… Step L together for &


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