CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Whatcha Gonna Do

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Intermediate (rev 2/08)
Dancin' Dean (USA) - April 2008
Do Your Thing - Livin Out Loud : (CD single)
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Start on vocals

Rock Forward, Recover,Step Back, Drag, Ball Forward,Step Forward, 3/4 Turn Right, Step Side, Rock Back, Recover, Step Diagonally Forward
1 & 2 Rock right forward, recover left, big step back right
3 & 4 Drag left to right, step on ball of left next to right, step right forward
5 Step left forward
6 3/4 turn right on ball of left foot ending with weight on left with right foot crossed in front of left shin with right toe touching floor (9:00)
7 step right to right side
8 & 1 Rock back left angling body toward 7:30, recover right, step left diagonally forward left (7:30)

Jazz Box 5/8 Turn Right, Vine Right (Or Quick Weave)
2 Cross right over left and step
3 – 4 Step back left making 3/8 turn right (12:00), step right foot to right side
5 Step left to left side making ¼ turn right (3:00)
6, 7, 8 Step right to right, step left behind right, step right to right
(Option for quick weave): to use with fast little bass line that happens usually on the front and back walls
& 6 (3:00), step right to right, step left behind right
& 7 Step right to right, step left in front of right
& 8 & Step right to right, step left behind right, step right to right)

Rock Forward Left, Recover, Step Together, Step Forward, ½ Left, ¼ Left, Vine Right, Touch Ball Cross
1 Rock forward on left
2 & 3 Recover right, step left next to right, step right forward
4 Pivot ½ left stepping forward on left (9:00)
5 Turn ¼ left on ball of left stepping right to right side (6:00)
6 Step left behind right
7 Step right to right side
8 & 1 Cross left in front of right touching left toe diagonally forward right, step left to left, cross and step right in front of left

Hold, Side, Behind, Hold, Step Together, 1/4 turn Monteray, Ball Cross, Raise Heels, Drop Heels, Step Back Left
2 Hold
& 3, 4 Step left to left side, step right behind left, hold.
& 5, 6 Step left next to right, touch right toe to right side, turn 1/4 right on ball of left stepping right next to left (3:00)
& 7 Step left slightly back, cross step right over left
& 8 Raise both heels, lower both heels (weight left)

Smile and start again!


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