CopperKnob Stepsheets

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American Boy

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Intermediate / Advanced Funky
Stacie White (UK) - April 2008
Dance begins 32 counts into song, after the rap, on the words “Take me on a trip”

Knee Hitch, Bounce x2. Behind Rock and Point, Touch In, Slide
1&2& Hitch R knee up, replace. Split both knees apart, Bring both knees back together.
3&4& Hitch L knee up, replace. Split both knees apart, Bring knees back together.
NOTE : When splitting knees apart on counts 2 & 4, you should bend them slightly so it gives the movement a small bounce.
5&6& Rock R foot back, recover forward onto L. Point R toe to R side, Touch R toe in place.
7-8 Slide step to the R, Step L foot next to R.

Turn 1/4, Cross Shuffle. Unwind ½ Turn, Funky Walks Back.
1&2 Turn ¼ to the R and cross R over L, step L to L side, Cross R over L.
&3-4 Step L to L side, Cross R over L, Unwind ½ turn L ( end facing 9 o clock)
5-6 Walk back slightly R foot, walk back slightly L foot
7-8 Repeat counts 5-6.
NOTE: You can make the walks on counts 5-8 as funky as you like by adding any kind of styling.

Cross Over Steps x2, ¼ Turn. Hip Bumps With ½ Turn
&1-2 Step R in place, Cross L over R, Step back R.
&3-4 Step L to L side, Cross R over L, Turn 1/4 L stepping forward on L
5&6 Step R to R side and bump hips R,L R ending with weight on R.
7&8 Turn ½ turn L, Step L to L side and bump hips L,R,L ending with weight on L.

Pivot Turn, Side Shuffle. Toe Switches x2, Knee Hitch, Step Out
1-2 Step forward R, pivot ½ turn L, weight ends on L
3&4 Turn ¼ L stepping R to R side, Close L next to R, Step R to R side.
5&6 Point L to L side. Replace. Point R to R side.
7&8 Hitch R knee up, Step R foot in place, Step L foot slightly to L side.

Alternatively, a full turn can be added on count 7 by dancing as follows:
5&6 Point L to L side. Replace. Point R to R side
7&8 Hitch R knee up while turning a full turn R. Step R foot down in place, Step L foot out slightly to L side.

Start again and enjoy!!


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