Intro : approx. 23 counts(!) after heavy beat (start when the singing begins)
Touches, right shuffle, rock step
1,2& RF touch to right side, hold, RF step next to LF
3,4& LF touch to left side, hold, LF step next to RF
5&6 RF step forwards, LF step next to RF, RF step forward
7,8 LF rock forward, weight back on RF
Left shuffle back, Step back, ½ Pivot, Rock step, Coaster cross
1&2 LF step back, RF step next tot LF, LF step back
3,4 RF step back, make ½ turn right on both feet
5,6 LF rock forward, weight back on RF
7&8 LF step back, RF step next to LF, LF cross in front of RF
Side rock, Behind, Side, Cross, Side rock ¼ turn, Shuffle
1,2 RF rock to right side, weight back on LF
3&4 RF cross behind LF, LF step left, RF cross in front of LF
5,6 LF rock to left side, weight back on RF while turning ¼ to right side
7&8 LF step forward, RF step next to LF, LF step forward
Rock step, Shuffle, Step ¼ turn, Step ¼ turn
1&2 RF rock forward, weight back on LF
3&4 RF step forward, LF step next to RF, RF step forward
5,6 LF step forward, make ¼ turn right
7,8 LF step forward, make ¼ turn right
½ Turn 4x
1,2 make ½ turn right on ball of LF and step right on RF, snap fingers on shoulderheight
3,4 make ½ turn right on ball of RF and step left on LF, snap fingers on shoulderheight
5,6,7,8 repeat steps 1,2,3,4
Sailorstep, Sailorstep, Jazz box with ¼ turn cross*
1&2 RF cross behind LF, LF step to left side, RF step to right side
3&4 LF cross behind RF, RF step to right side, LF step to left side
5,6 RF cross over LF, LF step back
7,8 RF step back and turn ¼ to right side, LF cross over RF
Walk, Hold, Cross step, Walk, Hold, Cross step
1,2& RF big step forward, Hold. LF cross slightly over RF
3,4 RF step forward, LF cross slightly over RF
5,6&7,8 Repeat steps 1,2,3&4
Touches, Sailor step ¼ turn, Touches, Mambo step
1,2 RF touch forward, RF touch to right side
3&4 RF step back ¼ turn right, LF step next to RF, RF step to right side
5,6 LF touch forward, LF touch back
7&8 LF rock to left side, weight back on RF, LF step next to RF
**** Note ( concerns only the 2nd wall !): ****
* = Dance the 2nd wall as written above, but skip the Jazz box with ¼ turn cross part !
**** Tag (coming after 5th wall to phrase with the music!) ****
1,2 Bump hips right, left
Touches, right shuffle, rock step
1,2& RF touch to right side, hold, RF step next to LF
3,4& LF touch to left side, hold, LF step next to RF
5&6 RF step forwards, LF step next to RF, RF step forward
7,8 LF rock forward, weight back on RF
Left shuffle back, Step back, ½ Pivot, Rock step, Coaster cross
1&2 LF step back, RF step next tot LF, LF step back
3,4 RF step back, make ½ turn right on both feet
5,6 LF rock forward, weight back on RF
7&8 LF step back, RF step next to LF, LF cross in front of RF
Side rock, Behind, Side, Cross, Side rock ¼ turn, Shuffle
1,2 RF rock to right side, weight back on LF
3&4 RF cross behind LF, LF step left, RF cross in front of LF
5,6 LF rock to left side, weight back on RF while turning ¼ to right side
7&8 LF step forward, RF step next to LF, LF step forward
Rock step, Shuffle, Step ¼ turn, Step ¼ turn
1&2 RF rock forward, weight back on LF
3&4 RF step forward, LF step next to RF, RF step forward
5,6 LF step forward, make ¼ turn right
7,8 LF step forward, make ¼ turn right
½ Turn 4x
1,2 make ½ turn right on ball of LF and step right on RF, snap fingers on shoulderheight
3,4 make ½ turn right on ball of RF and step left on LF, snap fingers on shoulderheight
5,6,7,8 repeat steps 1,2,3,4
Sailorstep, Sailorstep, Jazz box with ¼ turn cross*
1&2 RF cross behind LF, LF step to left side, RF step to right side
3&4 LF cross behind RF, RF step to right side, LF step to left side
5,6 RF cross over LF, LF step back
7,8 RF step back and turn ¼ to right side, LF cross over RF
Walk, Hold, Cross step, Walk, Hold, Cross step
1,2& RF big step forward, Hold. LF cross slightly over RF
3,4 RF step forward, LF cross slightly over RF
5,6&7,8 Repeat steps 1,2,3&4
Touches, Sailor step ¼ turn, Touches, Mambo step
1,2 RF touch forward, RF touch to right side
3&4 RF step back ¼ turn right, LF step next to RF, RF step to right side
5,6 LF touch forward, LF touch back
7&8 LF rock to left side, weight back on RF, LF step next to RF
**** Note ( concerns only the 2nd wall !): ****
* = Dance the 2nd wall as written above, but skip the Jazz box with ¼ turn cross part !
**** Tag (coming after 5th wall to phrase with the music!) ****
1,2 Bump hips right, left