CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Losing You

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Errol Colomb (UK) - February 2008
My Greatest Fear - Randy Travis
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1-2 Rock-step cross right in front of left, rock back replacing weight on left
3 Step right to right with ¼ turn right
& Pivot ½ turn right on ball of right stepping left back
4 Pivot ½ turn right on ball of left stepping right forward
5 Step left to left making a further ¼ turn right
6 Step right behind left
7&8 Rock-step left, to left side, step right in place beside left, cross-step left in front of right

9-10 Touch right heel forward, brush up right in front of left knee
11 Step right to right side making ¼ turn right
& Pivot on ball or right making a ¼ turn right
12 Pivot on ball of left making a ½ turn right
13 Rock-step left to left making a further ¼ turn right
14 Rock recover on right
15&16 (Shuffle to left) step left to left side, step right beside left, step left to left

17-18 Rock-step right behind left, rock forward recover on left
19&20 (Shuffle to right) step right to right, step left beside right, step right to right,
21-22 Step touch left behind right, pivot ½ turn left transfer weight to left
23&24 (Shuffle to right) step right to right, step left beside right, step right to right

25&26 Traveling forward turn ½ turn right stepping left forward, right beside left, left back
27&28 Traveling back turn ½ turn right stepping right back, left beside right, right forward
29-30 Rock-step left forward, rock back recover on right
31&32 Sweeping left in an arc step left behind right, step right beside left, step left to left

Thanks to Tracie Lee of Dance Fever for the technical pointers in the choreography of this dance


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