(32 count intro) – Begin on vocals.M
Dedicated to the Country Dancers at the Longbranch Saloon in Raleigh, NC
Rock, Recover, Back, Heel, Ball-Heel, Hook, Shuffle Forward
1, 2 Rock R forward, Recover weight to L
3, 4 Step back on R, Tap L heel forward
&5, 6 Quickly step on ball of L while tapping R heel forward, Hook R over L
7 & 8 Shuffle forward, R, L, R
Rock, Recover, ½ Turn Triple L, Step, Lock, ¾ Unwind L
1, 2 Rock L forward, Recover weight to R
3 & 4 ¼ L on L, Quickly Step R to L, ¼ L on L (6:00)
5, 6 Step R forward, Slide L behind R
7, 8 Unwind ¾ turn to L on L (9:00)
Side Rock, Recover, Syncopated Weave L, Side Rock, Recover, Crossing Shuffle
1, 2 Rock R to R, Recover weight to L
3 & 4 Step R behind L, Quickly step on ball of L, Cross R over L
5, 6 Rock L to L, Recover weight to R
7 & 8 Cross L over R, Quickly step R to R, Cross L over R
Rocking Chair, ½ Turn Pivot, Touch, & Touch, &
1, 2 Rock forward on R, Recover weight on L
3, 4 Rock back on R, Recover weight on L
5, 6 Touch R forward, Pivot ½ turn to L on ball of L (3:00)
7&8& Touch R toe forward, Quick step R back, Touch L toe forward, Quick step back L
Begin Again!
RESTART: After completing 4 rotations you will be back on your starting wall. Do the first 16 counts, and after the ¾ turn unwind begin again with a Rock R forward.
Dedicated to the Country Dancers at the Longbranch Saloon in Raleigh, NC
Rock, Recover, Back, Heel, Ball-Heel, Hook, Shuffle Forward
1, 2 Rock R forward, Recover weight to L
3, 4 Step back on R, Tap L heel forward
&5, 6 Quickly step on ball of L while tapping R heel forward, Hook R over L
7 & 8 Shuffle forward, R, L, R
Rock, Recover, ½ Turn Triple L, Step, Lock, ¾ Unwind L
1, 2 Rock L forward, Recover weight to R
3 & 4 ¼ L on L, Quickly Step R to L, ¼ L on L (6:00)
5, 6 Step R forward, Slide L behind R
7, 8 Unwind ¾ turn to L on L (9:00)
Side Rock, Recover, Syncopated Weave L, Side Rock, Recover, Crossing Shuffle
1, 2 Rock R to R, Recover weight to L
3 & 4 Step R behind L, Quickly step on ball of L, Cross R over L
5, 6 Rock L to L, Recover weight to R
7 & 8 Cross L over R, Quickly step R to R, Cross L over R
Rocking Chair, ½ Turn Pivot, Touch, & Touch, &
1, 2 Rock forward on R, Recover weight on L
3, 4 Rock back on R, Recover weight on L
5, 6 Touch R forward, Pivot ½ turn to L on ball of L (3:00)
7&8& Touch R toe forward, Quick step R back, Touch L toe forward, Quick step back L
Begin Again!
RESTART: After completing 4 rotations you will be back on your starting wall. Do the first 16 counts, and after the ¾ turn unwind begin again with a Rock R forward.