CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Doug Miranda (USA) & Jackie Miranda (USA) - January 2008
Cantaloop - Us3
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Introduction: Someone will be speaking, introducing the song; do this easy 32 count introduction after you hear the distinct drum beat:
[1-8] Vine R, vine L
1-4Step R to R side, touch L next to R; step L to L side, touch R next to L
&5-8Step out-out R, L (weight on L), bump to R 3x leaning to R with weight ending on R on count 8

[9-16] Vine L, vine R
1-4Step L to L side, touch R next to L; step R to R side, touch L next to R
&5-8Step out-out L, R (weight on R), bump to L 3x leaning to L with weight ending on L on count 8

Set 1: Walk Forward, Skate, ¼ Left, Side Step, Touch Behind, Side Step, Touch Behind
1-4Walk forward R, L, skate forward on R, skate into ¼ turn L
5-8Step R to R side, touch L behind R (weight remains on R); step L to L side, touch R behind L
(Styling: for counts 5-8: slightly bend down as you step to sides and bring arms out to side parallel to floor; as you touch behind, cross arms in front of you)

Set 2: Mash Potato Traveling Back, Step Back, Touch Heel Forward, Hold, Step Forward, Toe Touch, Step Back, Touch Heel Forward
&1Turn toes in and raise up on toes (heels will turn out), step back on R as you bring heels down and inwards (weight on R)
&2Turn toes in and raise up on toes (heels will turn out), step back on L as you bring heels down and inwards (weight on L)
&3Turn toes in and raise up on toes (heels will turn out), step back on R as you bring heels down and inwards (weight on R)
&4Turn toes in and raise up on toes (heels will turn out), step back on L as you bring heels down and inwards (weight on L)
(Option to mash potatoes: walk back R, L, R, L)
&5-6Step back on R, touch L heel forward, hold
&7&8Step L next to R, touch R next to L, step back on R, touch L heel forward

Set 3: Dorothy Steps Forward, ¼ Turn Right Dorothy Steps, Step Forward, ¾ Turn Right, Hips Bumps Left,Right, Left
1,2&Step forward on L, step lock R behind L, step forward on L
3,4&Step ¼ turn R forward on R, step lock L behind R, step forward on R
5-6Step forward on L, turn ¾ turn R as step R to R side
7&8As you lean to L side, bump hips L, R, bumps L with weight ending on L

Set 4: Side Point, ¼ Turn Right Kick, Back Coaster Step; Side Points, ¼ Turn Right Side Points
1-4Point R to R side, turn ¼ R as you kick R forward, step back on R, step L next to L, step forward on R
5&6Point L to L side, step L next to R, point R to R side
&7&8Step R next to L turning ¼ R, point L to L side, step L next to R, point R to R side

One Time tag here at the 3 o'clock wall :
& 1-2 Step down on R next to L, step L to L side, hold
& 3-4 Step R next to L, rock L to L side, recover on R
& 5-6 Step down on L next to R, step R to R side, hold
& 7-8 Step L next to R, rock R to R side, recover on L

Start again and have fun!

Last Update - 15 Sept. 2020


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