Absolute Beginner
(32 Count Introduction)
Heel Struts forward x4
1-2 Step forward on the right heel, drop the right toe
3-4 Step forward on the left heel, drop the left toe
5-6 Step forward on the right heel, drop the right toe
7-8 Step forward on the left heel, drop the left toe
Right Grapevine, Hitch, Left Grape vine, Hitch
1-4 Step right foot to right side, Cross left behind right, step right to right side, Hitch Left Knee
5-8 Step left foot to the left side, cross right behind left, step left foot to the left side, hitch right knee
Walks back x3 Hitch Left Knee, Left Coaster Step, Hold
1-2 Walk back on the right, walk back on the left
3-4 Walk back on the right, hitch the left knee
5-6 Step Back on the left, step right next to left
7-8 Step forward on the left, Hold
Step ½ turn step, Hold (clap), Step ¼ Step, Hold (Clap)
1-2 Step forward on the right, make 1/2 turn to the left
3-4 Step forward on the right, Hold (clap)
5-6 Step forward on the left, make ¼ turn right
7-8 Step forward on the left, Hold (Clap)
Heel Struts forward x4
1-2 Step forward on the right heel, drop the right toe
3-4 Step forward on the left heel, drop the left toe
5-6 Step forward on the right heel, drop the right toe
7-8 Step forward on the left heel, drop the left toe
Right Grapevine, Hitch, Left Grape vine, Hitch
1-4 Step right foot to right side, Cross left behind right, step right to right side, Hitch Left Knee
5-8 Step left foot to the left side, cross right behind left, step left foot to the left side, hitch right knee
Walks back x3 Hitch Left Knee, Left Coaster Step, Hold
1-2 Walk back on the right, walk back on the left
3-4 Walk back on the right, hitch the left knee
5-6 Step Back on the left, step right next to left
7-8 Step forward on the left, Hold
Step ½ turn step, Hold (clap), Step ¼ Step, Hold (Clap)
1-2 Step forward on the right, make 1/2 turn to the left
3-4 Step forward on the right, Hold (clap)
5-6 Step forward on the left, make ¼ turn right
7-8 Step forward on the left, Hold (Clap)