CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Country Jukebox

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Joe Steele (USA) - February 2008
Don't Rock the Jukebox - Alan Jackson
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(1-8) Point r toe hitch knee across left twice, r vine with touch.
1-2 Point right toe to side bring right knee across left leg
3-4 Repeat 1-2
5-8 Step to right, left behind right, step right, touch left toe beside right

(9-16) Point l toe hitch knee across right twice, l vine with touch
1-2 Point left toe to side bring left knee across left leg
3-4 Repeat 1-2
5-8 Step to left, right behind left, step left, touch right toe beside left

(17-24) Rock forward and back x2, step ½ turn, stomp stomp.
1-4 Rock forward on Right recover on Left, rock back on right recover on Left
5-6 Step forward right, pivot ½ turn left with weight on left 6:00
7-8 Stomp right then stomp left

(25-32) Rock forward and back x2, step ½ turn, stomp stomp
1-8 Repeat 17-24 12:00

(33-40) Shuffle rock right, Shuffle rock left
1&2 Side shuffle to the right, rlr
3-4 Rock left behind right, recover on right
5&6 Side shuffle to the left, lrl
7-8 Rock right behind left, recover on left

(41-48) R vine and L vine
1-4 Step to right side, left behind right, step to right and scuff
5-8 Step to left side, right behind left, step to left and scuff

(49-56) Two ¼ turn jazz boxes
1-4 Cross right over left, step back on left, ¼ turn right step to side on right, step left together
5-8 Repeat 1-4

(58-64) Two R kick ball changes, step forward right ¼ turn left, stomp right left.
1&2 Kick right, step on ball of right then change weight to left
3&4 Kick right, step on ball of right then change weight to left
5-6 Step forward right on ball of right do ¼ turn left and step on left
7-8 Stomp right, stomp left.



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