CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Ooh Ooh Baby

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Helena Jeppsson (SWE) - December 2007
Ooh Ooh Baby - Britney Spears
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Kick ball step, step fwd, toe switches, point fwd, back, 1/4 turn R
8&1 Kick left foot fwd, step left foot next to right, step fwd on right foot (12.00)
2 Step fwd on left foot
3& Point right toe to right side, step right foot next to left
4& Point left toe to left side, step left foot next to right
5 Point right toe to right side, step right foot next to left
6, 7 Point right toe fwd, right toe back
8 Make a 1/4 turn to right, weight on left (3.00)

Swivels, hip sway, full turn
1, 2 Swivel right heel to right, swivel left heel to right (instep of right foot)
3, 4 Swivel left heel to left, swivel right heel to left (instep of left foot)
5, 6 Sway hips to right, left
7, 8 Make a 1/4 turn right step fwd on right foot, make a 1/2 turn to right step back on left

Side, hold, beside, side, cross rock, L side shuffle, cross
1, 2 Make a 1/4 turn right step right foot to right side, hold (3.00)
&3 Step left foot next to right, step right foot to right side
4, 5 Cross rock left in front of right, recover weight onto right
6&7 Shuffle to the side left, right, left
8 Step right foot in front of left, bending knees a little

Point, cross, point x3, coaster step
1, 2 Point left toe to left side straightening knees, step left in front of right bending knees
3, 4 Point right toe to right side straightening knees, point right toe fwd
5 Point right toe to right side straightening knees, point right toe fwd
6&7 Step back on right foot, step left foot next to right, step fwd on right foot

Begin again


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