CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Reese's Pieces

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Maurice Rowe (USA) & Jeff James (USA) - January 2008
Piece of Me - Britney Spears : (Album: Blackout)
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Start dance after 16 counts

Walk, rock recover, ball walks, rock recover cross with 1/4 right
1 Step forward on the Right
2& Rock Left foot forward, recover weight to Right foot
3-4 Step back on ball of Left, step Right forward
5-6 Walk forward Left, Right
7&8 Rock Left forward, make a 1/4 turn right (to face 3:00) recovering weight to Right foot, cross Left over Right

Step right, rock-recover-crumple, behind-side-cross, 1/4, 1/4, cross
1 Step Right to right
2& Rock Left to left and push off of Left, hitching Left knee up (weight transfers back to Right foot) crumpling body as though "punched" (to emphasize the beat)
3-4 Step Left behind Right, step Right to right
5-6 Cross Left over Right, 1/4 turn left (back to 12:00) stepping back on Right
7-8 1/4 turn left (to 9:00) stepping Left to left, cross Right over Left

Rock-recover-cross, drop step, ball walk, walk around 1/2 turn left
1&2 Rock Left to left, recover weight to Right, cross Left over Right
& Step back on Right, lifting Left toes (keeping Left heel on floor) (you will be on your left digonal)
3-4 Ball, walk (Left, Right)
5-6 Walk forward on the Left (toward 9:00), 1/4 turn left (to 6:00) walking forward on the Right
7-8 1/4 turn left (to 3:00) walking forward on Left, walk forward Right
*steps 5-8 will make a 1/2 turn sassy "walk around")

Kick-ball-cross-step, behind, 1/4 left, walks, rock recover 1/4 left
1&2& Kick Left foot toward left diagonal, step onto Left ball, cross Right over Left, step Left to left side
3-4 Cross Right behind Left, 1/4 turn left stepping forward slightly on Left (toward 12:00)
5-6 Walk forward Right, Left
7-8 Rock Right foot forward, 1/4 turn left (to 9:00) recovering weight to Left

Begin again.

Two Restarts:
Restarts occur on the 4th and 8th wall of the dance (both would be the 3:00 wall).
Dance the first 16 counts, amending count 16 by touching Right foot next to Left INSTEAD of crossing Right over Left (weight remains on LEFT foot).
You should be facing your ORIGINAL 12:00 wall to Start over.


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