CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Little Mo

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Max Perry (USA) - September 2007
A Little Bit More - Jamie Lidell : (Album: Multiply)
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Intro: 32 counts

(1) Walk, Walk, 1/2 Turn Right
1,2 Walk forward R, L
3&4 Step R forward, Step L forward with ball of foot & turn 1/2 right, Step R in place (facing 6:00)

(2) 1/4 Turn Right, Side, Cross, Turn 1/4 Left and Step Forward, Triple Step In Place Turning 1 full turn Left
&5 Turn 1/4 right and step L to left side, Cross R over L (English Cross)
6 Turn 1/4 left and step L forward preparing to spin left
7&8 1 Full turn on the spot stepping R,L,R

(3) Cross, Touch, Kick, Cross, Back, Side
1,2 Cross step L over R, Touch R to right side
3&4& Kick R forward and across L, Cross Step R over L Step L back, Step R to right side

(4) Cross, Touch Side, Together, Twist, Twist, Twist
5,6 Cross step L over R, Step R to right side
7&8 Shift weight to L foot, Step R next to L and twist both heels left (7) Twist both heels R (&), Twist both heels L placing weight on L (8)

(5) Forward Step, Quick 1/2 Pivot Turn to 1/2 Turn Step
1 Step R forward
2&3 Step L forward & turn 1/2 right, Step R in place, Step L forward & turn 1/2 right

(6) 1/2 Turn Right Step Forward, 1/2 Turn Left, Sit, Body Roll, Left Full Traveling Pivot
4,5 Turn 1/2 right and step R forward, Turn 1/2 left keeping feet in place and bend both knees (sit)
6,7 Straighten up as you do body roll
8&1 Step L forward and turn 1/2 left, Step R back turning 1/2 left, Step L forward

(7) 1/4 Pivot Turn Left, Cross, Turn 1/4 Left Stepping forward, forward
2&3 Step R forward and turn 1/4 left, Step L in place, Cross R over L
4& Turn 1/4 left and step L forward, Step R forward

(8) Paddle Turn Curving 3/4 Left
5&6& Cross step L over R, Step R to right side, Cross step L over R, Step R to right side
7&8& Cross L over R, Step R to right side, Cross L over R step R to right side
(You should have completed a total of 3/4 turn to face the 6:00 wall between counts 5-8)

Begin again.

Restart on 3rd repetition: dance almost all the way through sections 1-6 then dance counts 2-3 from section 7, then turn 1/2 left as you step L forward and touch R to right side, Start dance from beginning.

Restart on 5th repetition: dance sections 1-5 substituting a 1/4 turn instead of the last 1/2 turn, then step side together (R,L) for counts 4& - you should now be squared off to either the front or back wall to restart


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