CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Summer Hill

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Micaela Svensson Erlandsson (SWE) - October 2007
Summer Hill - Dublin Fair
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Also: Cry of the Celtic by Flogging Molly (127 bpm)

Intro 8 counts.

Stomps, Claps, Stomps, Scuff, Hitch
(Stand in a position with your right heel slightly in front of your left instep)
1-4Stomp R(1) Stomp L (2), Stomp R(3) , Clap twice (&4) in front of R shoulder.
5-8Stomp L(5), Stomp R (6),Stomp L (7),Scuff R forward (&),Hitch R knee up (8)

Coaster step, Shuffle, Scuff, Hitch, Coaster step
9&10Step R foot back, Step L next to R, Step R foot forward.
11&12Step forward on L, Step R next to L, Step L forward.
13-14Scuff R forward, Hitch R knee up.
15&16Step R foot back, Step L next to R, Step R foot forward.

Step turn Coaster step Shuffle turn x2
17-18Step Forward on L heel, Turn ½ R on L heel (keep weight on L)
19&20Step R foot back, Step L next to R, Step R foot Forward.
21&22Shuffle step forward making 1/2 turn right, stepping - left, right, left.
23&24Shuffle step backwards making 1/2 turn right, stepping - right, left, right.

Rock step, Turn ½ left, Full turn L, Shuffle, Step, Turn
25-26Rock forward on L, Rock back on R.
27-28Turn ½ L step L forward, Step R forward making a full turn L on ball of R.
29&30Step forward left. Close right beside left. Step forward left.
31-32Step forward on Right, turn 1/4 left.

Tag1: After walls 3 and 6
Vaudeville left, Vaudeville right
1-2Step right to side. Step left behind right.
&3Step right to side. Touch left heel diagonally forward left.
&4Step down onto left. Cross right over left.
5-6Step left to side. Step right behind left.
&7Step left to side. Touch right heel diagonally forward right.
&8Step down onto right. Cross left over right.
Start again from beginning

Ending After wall 11 (last wall)

Clap Clap

Replace the scuff and hitch (in step combination 5-8) with two claps


Dancingboots January 31, 2013
Jolly Good :-)

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