CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Baker Street

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Pat Stott (UK) & Lizzie Stott (UK) - November 2007
Baker Street - Undercover
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Commence when the beat kicks in ( after 30 seconds )

Walk, walk, lock step forward, rock, recover, ½ shuffle turn left, walk, walk, lock step forward, ¼ pivot turn right, cross shuffle
1 – 2 Walk forward on right, walk forward on left
3&4 Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right
5-6 Rock forward on left, recover on right
7&8 ½ turning shuffle left stepping left, right, left
9-10 Walk forward on right, walk forward on left
11&12 Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step forward on right
13-14 Step forward on left, ¼ pivot right transferring weight to right
15&16 Cross left over right, right to right, cross left over right
Advanced alterative to steps 7&8 – 1 ½ shuffle turn left

Large step to right, slide left towards right, 2 heel switches, large step to left, turn ¼ right and Slide right towards left, 2 heel switches, rock forward, recover, coaster step, rock, recover, ½ shuffle turning left
17-18 Large step to right (angle body slightly to left diagonal), slide left towards right (no weight)
19&20& Left heel forward, close left to right, right heel forward, close right to left(straightening up)
21-22 Large step to left, turn ¼ to right and slide right towards left (no weight)
23&24& Right heel forward, close right to left, left heel forward, close left to right
25-26 Rock forward on right, recover on left
27&28 Step back on right, close left to right, step forward on right
29-30 Rock forward on left, recover on right
31&32 ½ turning shuffle left stepping left, right, left
Advanced alternative to: coaster step 27 & 28 – full triple turn right ½ shuffle turn 31 & 32 – 1 ½ triple turn left

Cross, side, back, close, kick diagonal to right ,close, cross, side, back, close, kick diagonal to left, close, cross, hold, step, cross, point , forward, side, rock, forward, side rock
33-34 Cross right over left, step left to left
35&36& Step back on right behind left (angle body to right diagonal), close left to right, kick right to righ diagonal, close
37-38 Cross left over right, step right to right
39&40& Step back on left behind right (angle body to left diagonal), close right to left, kick left to left diagonal, close
41-42 Cross right over left, hold
&43-44 Step left to left, cross right over left, point left to left
45&46 Step forward on left, rock right to right (on ball of foot), recover on left
47&48 Step forward on right, rock left to left (on ball of foot), recover on right

Rock forward, recover, ½ turn left & step forward, rock forward, recover, ¼ turn right & step To side, rock forward, recover, point back, reverse pivot left, kick, ball, change, 2 sailor steps travelling backwards
49-50 Rock forward on left, recover on right
51-52 Turn ½ left stepping forward on left, rock forward on right
53-54 Recover on left, turn ¼ right stepping right to right
55-56 Rock forward on left, recover on right
57-58 Touch left toe back, turn ½ left transferring weight to left
59&60 Kick right forward, step onto ball of right, step in place on left
61&62 Step right behind left, step left to left, step slightly back on right
63&64 Step left behind right, step right to right, step slightly back on left

Begin again.


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