Start 22 counts in, after the Fly Paper 'ad'
1-2 Walk forward right, left
3&4 Step forward onto right, pivot ¼ turn left (weight to left), cross right over left
5&6 Step left to left, touch right next to left, step right to right
7 Step left to left making ¼ turn left (snap fingers as an option on the &)
8 Pivot ½ turn left on left foot & step right back (snap fingers as an option on the &)
1-2 Step left to left, step right next to left
3&4 Touch left toes to left, step down on left, step right together next to left
5&6 Step left back, step right back, touch left heel forward
7&8& Step left back, step right back, step forward on left, lock step right behind left
1-2 Step forward on left making a ¼ turn left, step right to right
3&4 Step left behind right, step on ball of right, cross left over right
5&6&7&8 Rock right to right, recover onto left, step right next to left, low kick left forward, step left next to right, step right next to left, touch left heel forward
1-2 Touch left toes directly back, pivot ½ turn left (weight to left)
3&4 Shuffle forward: right, left, right
5&6 Rock left to left, recover onto right, step left forward
7&8& Rock right to right, recover on left, touch right heel slightly forward, hook right across left knee
Begin again
Facing the 6:00 wall, during the 2nd rotation, restart after 30 counts, after the rock left to left, recover onto right, step left forward (5&6)
TAG: At the end of walls 3, 7, 11
1-2-3&4 Step right forward, touch left next to right, coaster step back: left, right, left
5-6-7-8 Step right forward, touch left next to right, long step left to left, slide/touch right next to left
1-2 Walk forward right, left
3&4 Step forward onto right, pivot ¼ turn left (weight to left), cross right over left
5&6 Step left to left, touch right next to left, step right to right
7 Step left to left making ¼ turn left (snap fingers as an option on the &)
8 Pivot ½ turn left on left foot & step right back (snap fingers as an option on the &)
1-2 Step left to left, step right next to left
3&4 Touch left toes to left, step down on left, step right together next to left
5&6 Step left back, step right back, touch left heel forward
7&8& Step left back, step right back, step forward on left, lock step right behind left
1-2 Step forward on left making a ¼ turn left, step right to right
3&4 Step left behind right, step on ball of right, cross left over right
5&6&7&8 Rock right to right, recover onto left, step right next to left, low kick left forward, step left next to right, step right next to left, touch left heel forward
1-2 Touch left toes directly back, pivot ½ turn left (weight to left)
3&4 Shuffle forward: right, left, right
5&6 Rock left to left, recover onto right, step left forward
7&8& Rock right to right, recover on left, touch right heel slightly forward, hook right across left knee
Begin again
Facing the 6:00 wall, during the 2nd rotation, restart after 30 counts, after the rock left to left, recover onto right, step left forward (5&6)
TAG: At the end of walls 3, 7, 11
1-2-3&4 Step right forward, touch left next to right, coaster step back: left, right, left
5-6-7-8 Step right forward, touch left next to right, long step left to left, slide/touch right next to left