Intro: 32 counts, 0:20, on lyrics "All ladies in the house..." | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Touch, touch, full turn right, kick-ball-touch X 2 |
1&2& | Touch right toe to side, step right together, touch left toe left, step left together |
3-4 | Turn 1/4 to right stepping right foot forward, bring left next to right while turning 3/4 to right (that totals a full turn) |
5&6 | Kick right forward, step right next to left, touch left to side |
7&8 | Kick left forward, step left next to right, touch right to side |
| Option: you can replace the full turn (counts 3-4) with just a slide to the right(3) and stepping left next to right(4). |
| 1/2 Turning flick, right knee twist, moonwalks |
1&2 | Touch right toe forward, turn 1/2 to left and flick right back, step right toe forward |
3&4 | Twist right knee out-in-out (while doing this press your body forward) (weight now on right foot) |
5 | Reaching back with left toe, pull step back to weight left |
6 | Reaching back with right toe, pull step back to weight right |
7 | Reaching back with left toe, pull step back to weight left |
8 | Touch right toe next to left |
| Option: Moonwalks can be replaced with either smashed potatoes back or just normal steps back. |
| Rock step, side, rock step, side, step, turn, body roll / snake roll |
1&2 | Rock right across left, recover weight on left, step right to side |
3&4 | Rock left across right, recover weight on right, step left to side |
5-6 | Step right forward, turn 3/4 to left bringing right foot next to left |
7-8 | Do either a snake roll to left or a body roll on counts 7-8 (weight ends up on left) |
| Option: Body roll / snake roll can be replaced by two hip bumps to left (weight ends up on left) |
| Forward travelling heel jacks, syncopated full unwind |
1&2& | Step right across left, step left back, touch right heel diagonal, step weight on right (pump your chest on count 2) |
3&4& | Step left across right, step right back, touch left heel diagonal, step weight on left (pump your chest on count 4) |
5 | Step right across left |
6-7-8 | Unwind a full turn on counts 6-7-8 |
| Note: On the heels jacks (counts 1-4&) you're suppose to travel forward a little |
| Styling: Pausing between steps 6-7-8, (so that you can see the counts?), makes them look so much better. Give it a try !