Kick ball cross, kick and point, sailor ½ turn, rock and cross | |
1&2 | Right kick ball cross |
3&4 | Kick right foot forward, step right in place, point left to left side |
5&6 | Left sailor turning ½ turn to left ? finish crossing left in front of right |
7&8 | Right rock and cross |
Toe press, sailor cross, ¾ step and hitch, shuffle forward | |
1-2 | Left toe press to left side, recover onto right |
3&4 | Left sailor cross |
5-6 | Step right to right side turning a ¼ to right, hitching left knee turn ½ turn right on ball of right foot. |
7&8 | Left shuffle forward (or whole turn triple to right) |
Rocking chair, ½ pivot step, rock turn ½, whole turning triple | |
1&2& | Rock forward on right, recover onto left, rock back on right, recover on left |
3&4 | Step forward on right, ½ pivot turn to left, step forward on right |
5&6 | Rock forward on left, recover onto right, turning ½ turn left step forward onto left |
7&8 | Whole turn triple to left stepping right, left, right ? or shuffle forward r,l,r |
Side step, rock recover slide, hitch cross point, ¼ turn, ¼ rock and cross | |
1 | Step left to left side |
2&3 | Rock back on right, recover, large step to right |
4&5 | Hitch left knee, step left next to right, point right to right side |
6 | Turn ¼ turn right taking weight onto right |
7&8 | Turning a ¼ to right rock left to left side, recover onto right, cross left over in front of right |
TAG : After wall two | |
1&2& | Rock forward on right, recover onto left, rock back on right, recover on left |
3,4 | Step forward on right, ½ pivot turn to left |
5-8 | repeat previous 4 counts |