Starts after 32 Counts... on ?Damn? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Side, Sailor Step, Side, Rock & 1/4, 1/2, 1/4, Cross. |
1 | Step Left to Left side. |
2&3 | Step Right behind Left, step Left to Left side, step Right to Right side. |
4 | Step Left to Left side. |
5&6 | Cross rock Right over Left, recover on Left, make 1/4 turn to Right stepping forward on Right. |
7&8 | 1/2 turn to Right stepping back on Left, 1/4 turn to Right stepping Right to Right side, cross step Left over Right |
| & Cross, Back & Step, 3/4 Hitch Turn, Walk, Walk, Step 1/2 Pivot Step. |
&1 | Step Right to Right side, cross step Left over Right. |
2&3 | Step back on Right, step Left to Left side, step forward on Right. |
4 | Make 3/4 turn to Right on ball of Right as you hitch Left behind Right knee. (fig 4) |
5-6 | Walk forward Left-Right. |
7&8 | Step forward on Left, pivot 1/2 turn to Right, step forward on Left. |
| Brush, Press, 1/4 turn, Rock & Side, Behind, Side, Kick & Step. |
&1-2 | Brush Right toe next to Left, press forward on Right, pivot 1/4 turn to Left while still in press & take weight on Right. |
3&4 | Cross rock Left behind Right, recover on Right, step Left to Left side. |
5-6 | Step Right behind Left, step Left to Left side. |
7&8 | Kick Right forward, step Right next to Left, step forward on Left. (little dip for style) |
| 1/4 Turn, Sailor 1/4, Step. Step 3/4 Side, Chasse. |
1 | Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Right to Right side. |
2&3 | Step Left behind Right, make 1/4 turn to Left stepping Right next to Left, step forward on Left. |
4 | Step forward on Right. |
5&6 | Step forward on Left, pivot 3/4 turn to Right, step Left to Left side. |
7&8 | Step Right to Right side, step Left next to Right, step Right to Right side.