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What Car? Move On

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Elaine Jordan (UK) - July 2005
What Car - Cliff Richard
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(1 x 16-count tag, 1 x 8-count tag)  
Start on vocals (16 counts) 
Right behind and cross side, toe ¼ turn, switch right and left and. 
1 2 & Step right to right side, left food behind right, Step right foot to right side (&), 
3 4 Cross left foot in front of right, step right foot to right side  
5 6 Point left toe back, ¼ turn left (weight onto left) 
7&8& Switch right heel forward, right in place(&), left heel forward, left in place(&). 
Repeat 1st eight counts  
Right mambo forward, left mambo back, side, cross, turn ½ (L), side,  
1 & 2 Right forward, Left in place, Right next to left. 
3 & 4 Left back, Right in place, Left next to right 
5 6 Step right foot to right side, Cross left foot over front of right,  
7 8 Step right to right side and pivot ½ turn (L) weight on right, Step left next to right. 
Cross, turn ½(R) rock right and cross, side, behind, rock left and cross. 
1 2 Cross right foot over left, Step side left pivot ½ turn (R)  
3 & 4 Rock right foot to right side, recover weight onto left foot, cross right foot over left. 
5 6 Step left foot to left side, Step right behind left 
7 & 8 Rock left foot to left side, recover weight onto right foot, cross left foot over right. 
Right kick ball touch, (turn ¼ left,) left kick ball touch, Right kick ball touch left toe back, bounce bounce bounce ½ turn left. 
1 &2 Kick right foot forward, replace weight onto right foot, touch left toe next to right, Pivot ¼ turn to left. 
3 & 4 Kick left foot forward, replace weight onto left foot, touch right toe next to left. 
5 & 6 Kick right foot forward, replace weight onto right foot, touch left toe back. 
7 & 8 Bounce heels 3 times making ½ turn Left. Weight on Right. 
Left kick ball touch, (turn ¼ right,) Right kick ball touch, Left kick ball touch right toe back, bounce bounce bounce ½ turn right. 
1 &2 Kick left foot forward, replace weight onto left foot, touch right toe next to right, Pivot ¼ turn to right. 
3 & 4 Kick right foot forward, replace weight onto right foot, touch left next to right 
5 & 6 Kick left forward, replace weight onto left, touch right toe back 
7 & 8 Bounce heels 3 times making ½ turn right. Weight on left. 
Tag 1.  
1 2 & Step forward right, touch left toe next to right, and step onto left foot, 
3 4 & Step forward right, touch left toe next to right, and step onto left foot, 
5 6 Step forward onto right foot, ½ turn to left weight onto left. 
7. & 8 Run forward. Right, left, right. 
1 2 & Step forward left, touch right toe next to left, and step onto right foot, 
3 4 & Step forward left, touch right toe next to left, and step onto right foot, 
5 6 Step forward onto left foot, ½ turn to right weight onto right. 
7. & 8 Run forward. Left, Right, left,  
Tag 2.  
1 2 & Step forward right, touch left toe next to right, and step onto left foot, 
3 4 & Step forward right, touch left toe next to right, and step onto left foot, 
5 6 Step forward onto right foot, ½ turn to left weight onto left. 
7. & 8 Run forward. Right, left, touch right. 
Dance walls 1 and 2 do tag 1. Dance walls 3 and 4 do tag 2. Continue to end of music with main body of dance, if you continue to dance to end of fade you will finish on front wall. 
Not hard but nippy!! 
Have fun.


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