32 Count Intro. Start on Vocals | ||||||
1-8 | Rock right, recover left, step together, rock left, recover right, sailor ¼, sailor ¼ | |||||
1-2 | Rock to right side pushing right shoulder out, recover on left pushing left shoulder out | |||||
&3 | Step right next to left, rock to left side | |||||
4 | Recover on right | |||||
5&6 | Left sailor step ¼ right (Facing 3:00) | |||||
7&8 | Right sailor step ¼ right (6:00) | |||||
9-16 | Step lock step, hitch, step together step, sailor ¼, step forward, drag step | |||||
1&2 | Step lock step to left diagonal | |||||
&3&4 | Hitch right next to left, step right to right side, step left next to right, step right out | |||||
5&6 | Left sailor step ¼ left (3:00) | |||||
7-8 | Step right forward, drag left and step next to right | |||||
17-24 | Bounce right (x2), bounce left (x2), rock recover step ¼, cross, point | |||||
1-4 | Bounce right shoulder to the right twice, the left shoulder left twice | |||||
5&6 | Rock forward on right, recover on left, turn ¼ right stepping on right (6:00) | |||||
7-8 | Cross left over right, point right to right side | |||||
25-32 | Step, touch, step, touch, turn ¼, step, look right, look front | |||||
1-2 | Step on right, touch left next to right | |||||
3-4 | Step left out to left, touch right next to left | |||||
5-6 | Turn ¼ to the right stepping on right, step left next to right (9:00) | |||||
7-8 | Turn head to the right, turn head back to the front | |||||
33-40 | Heel & heel, & step lock step, step forward, coaster ½, step forward | |||||
1&2 | Touch right heel forward, step right next to left, touch left heel forward | |||||
&3&4 | Step left next to right, step lock step to right diagonal | |||||
5 | Step left forward | |||||
6&7 | Coaster ½ turning right (3:00) | |||||
8 | Step left forward | |||||
41-48 | Rock, recover, cross, step back, step ¼, cross, step ¼, step together | |||||
1-2 | Rock to right side, recover on left | |||||
3-4 | Cross right over left, step back on left | |||||
5-6 | Turn ¼ right stepping on right, cross left over right (6:00) | |||||
7-8 | Turn ¼ right stepping on right, step left next to right (9:00) (All Restarts occur here) | |||||
49-56 | Rock recover, sailor ¼, cross step cross, step lock step | |||||
1-2 | Rock forward on right, recover on left | |||||
3&4 | Right sailor step turning ¼ right (12:00) | |||||
5&6 | Cross left over right, step right to right, cross left over right (all moving to right diagonal) | |||||
7&8 | Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward | |||||
57-64 | Point, point, sailor ¼, point, turn ¼, step together, point, hold | |||||
1-2 | Point left forward, point left to left side | |||||
3&4 | Left sailor step turning ¼ left (9:00) | |||||
5-6 | Point right forward, turn ¼ left stepping on right (6:00) | |||||
&7 | Step left next to right, point right out to right side | |||||
8 | Hold | |||||
Restarts: | 2nd wall, after 48 counts (Facing 3:00) | |||||
4th wall, after 48 counts (Facing 6:00) | ||||||
6th wall, after 48 counts from start of male vocals (rap) (Facing 9:00) | ||||||
Note: The two walls of the dance alternate between 12:00-6:00 and 3:00-9:00 with each restart.