INTRO - 32 COUNTS (Start on vocals) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SEQUENCE: A, B, A, B, B, A, TAG, A, TAG, B |
| PART A |
| Side, close, side, touch, side & touch behind x2 |
1, 2, 3, 4 | Step right to right, close left to right, step right to right, touch left next to right |
5, 6 | Step left to left, touch right behind left (optional: look left) |
7, 8 | Step right to right, touch left behind right (optional: look right) |
| Rolling turn 1¼ left, point, cross, point, cross, point |
1, 2, 3, 4 | Step left forward ¼ turn left, right back ½ turn left, left forward ½ turn left, point right toe to right side |
5, 6 | Cross right over left, point left toe to left side |
7, 8 | Cross left over right, point right toe to right side |
| Jazz box ¼ turn right, point, weave, point |
1, 2, 3, 4 | Cross right over left, left back ¼ turn right, step right to side, point left toe to left side |
5, 6, 7, 8 | Cross left in front of right, step right to side, cross left behind right, point right toe to right side |
| Double hip bumps x2, side switches x3, hold |
1 & 2 | Transfer weight onto right, double hip bumps right |
3 & 4 | Transfer weight onto left, double hip bumps left |
& 5 | Close right to left, point left toe to left side |
& 6 | Close left to right, point right toe to right side |
& 7 | Close right to left, point left toe to left side |
8 | Hold |
| Weave, point, weave ½ turn, point |
1, 2, 3, 4 | Cross left in front of right, step right to side, cross left behind right, point right toe to right side |
5, 6, 7, 8 | Cross right in front of left, step left back ¼ turn right, step right to side ¼ turn right, point left toe to left side |
| Weave, point, point across, point side, point across, point side |
1, 2, 3, 4 | Cross left in front of right, step right to side, cross left behind right, point right toe to right side |
5, 6, 7, 8 | Point right toe across front of left, point right toe to right side, point right toe across front of left, point right toe to right side |
| Traveling kick ball changes x2, ½ pivot turn, ¼ pivot turn |
1 & 2, 3 & 4 | Kick right forward, step on ball of right, step forward on left, kick right forward, step on ball of right, step forward on left |
5, 6 | Step right forward, ½ turn to left stepping onto left |
7, 8 | Step right forward, ¼ turn to left stepping onto left |
| PART B |
| Walk forward x3, point, kick, cross, point, kick, cross, point |
1, 2, 3, 4 | Walk forward right, left, right, point left toe to left side |
5 & 6 | Kick left forward, cross left over right, point right toe to right side |
7 & 8 | Kick right forward, cross right over left, point left toe to left side |
| Step back, point, step back, point, sailor step ¼ turn, sailor step |
1, 2 | Step left back, point right toe to right side & click |
3, 4 | Step right back, point left toe to left side & click |
5 & 6 | Step left back, step right to side turning ¼ left, step left to side |
7 & 8 | Step right back, step left to side, step right to side |
| Chasse, rock back, chasse, rock back |
1 & 2, 3, 4 | Chasse left, rock back on right, recover left |
5 & 6, 7, 8 | Chasse right, rock back on left, recover right |
| Step hitch close x2, step side, drag, ball cross, point side |
1 & 2 | Step left to side, hitch right knee & close right to left (without weight) |
3 & 4 | Step right to side, hitch left knee & close left to right (without weight) |
5, 6 | Big step to left, drag right to left (without weight) |
& 7, 8 | Step right to side & slightly back on ball, cross left over right, point right to side |
| TAG: On walls 3 & 4, dance Part A, then add the following tag (you will be facing the back wall & right side wall respectively) |
1 & 2 | Transfer weight onto right, double hip bumps right |
3 & 4 | Transfer weight onto left, double hip bumps left |
5, 6, 7, 8 | Hip bump right, left, right left (transferring weight each time)