Start on word "Sip" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Or any easy paced cha cha tracks |
Section 1 | Rock Right to side, recover. Cross shuffle. Rock left to side. Syncopated weave to right |
1, 2 | Rock right foot to side, recover weight onto left.. |
3 & 4 | Cross right in front of left, step left foot to left, cross right foot in front of left (cross shuffle) |
5, 6 | Rock left foot to left, recover weight on to right.. |
7 & 8 | Step left behind right, step right foot to right, cross left in front of right. |
Section 2 | Rock right to side, recover, sailor 1/4 turn (right). Rock fwd left, recover, left coaster step. |
1,2 | Rock right foot to right, recover weight onto left. |
3 & 4 | Right rondo turning 1/4 to right, stepping back on right, together left, slightly fwd with right (1/4 sailor turn) |
5, 6 | Rock forward with left,. recover weight onto right. |
7 & 8 | Step back left, together with right, step slightly fwd with left (coaster). |
Section 3 | Rock fwd right, recover, 2 x shuffle 1/2 turns (back), rock back right. recover. |
1,2 | Rock fwd with right, recover weight onto left., |
3 & 4 | Turn 1/2 to right on a R.L.R. (shuffle 1/2 turn). |
5 & 6 | Turn 1/2 to right on a L.R.L. (shuffle 1/2 turn) |
7, 8 | Rock back on right, recover weight onto left. |
Section 4 | 2 x Shuffle 1/2 turns (fwd). Step fwd right, pivot half turn left, Right kick ball change. |
1 & 2 | Turn 1/2 turn to left on R.L.R. (shuffle 1/2 turn). |
3 & 4 | Turn 1/2 turn to left on L.R.L. (shuffle 1/2 turn). |
5, 6 | Step fwd with right, pivot 1/2 turn to left (keep weight on left). |
7 & 8 | Small kick fwd with right, step right next to left, transfer weight onto left (kick ball change) |
| Repeat