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Niels Poulsen (DK) - June 2007
Listen - Beyoncé : (Album: Bday Deluxe Edition)
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Intro: 16 counts from first beat (app. 16 secs. into music). Start when Beyoncé sings ?Listen??Buy on: Website 
1 ? 8Step fw R, pencil turn R on R, basic L, step R to R side, ¼ L on L, cross R over L, basic L 
1 ? 2Step fw on R, full turn R on R (option: do a pirouette turn - see turn definitions below) [12:00] 
3-4&Step L to L side, close R behind L, cross L over R 
5-6&Step R to R side, turn ¼ L on R stepping small step back on L, cross R over L [9:00] 
7-8&Step L to L side, close R behind L, cross L over R 
9 ? 16Point R to R, 1 chainé turn R, side R, cross, side, back, sweep R behind L, behind turn ¼ L, ¼ L into basic R 
1Point R to R side 
2&3*Turn ¼ R stepping fw on R, turn ¾ R bringing L next to R, step R to R side [9:00] 
4&5*Cross L over R, step R to R side, step L small step back sweeping R behind L 
6&7Step down on R behind L, turn ¼ L stepping fw on L, turn ¼ L stepping R to R side [3:00] 
8&Close L behind R, cross R over L 
*Note:A turny option for counts 2-5?: 3 chainé full turns, sweep R behind L 
2&3&Turn ¼ R stepping fw on R, turn ¾ R bringing L next to R, Turn ¼ R stepping fw on R, turn ¾ R bringing L next to R [9:00] 
4&5Turn ¼ R stepping fw on R, turn ¾ R bringing L next to R, sweep R behind L [9:00] 
17 ? 24Side L, ½ R walking fw R L, rock fw R, step back R, ½ L on L, sweep cross, back L, ½ R on R, sweep cross, spiral turn R 
1-2&Step L to L side, turn ½ R stepping fw on R, step fw on L [9:00] 
3-4&Rock fw on R, recover weight to L, step back on R 
5&6&Turn ½ L stepping fw on L, sweep R in front of L, cross R over L, step back on L [3:00] 
7&8&Turn ½ R stepping fw on R, sweep L in front of R, cross L over R, full turn on L [9:00] 
25 ? 32Sweep, behind, ¼ L, curvy walks with ¼ L, lift L leg, back back ½ L, rock 
1-2&Sweep R behind L, step down on R behind L, turn ¼ L stepping L fw [6:00] 
3-4&Turn 1/8 L stepping fw on R, turn 1/8 L stepping fw on L, step fw R [3:00] 
5-6&Lift L leg up (to build up speed for your back runs?), run back L, run back R 
7-8&Turn ½ L rocking fw on L, recover R to R side, step slightly backwards on L [9:00] 
1 RESTART: On 3rd wall after count 8 (facing 3:00). Turn an extra ¼ R on count 1 to restart dance towards 6:00  
1 TAG: On 5th wall after count 32 (facing 12:00). Add the following steps 
1 ? 4Basic R, Side L, Rock back R 
1-2&Step R to R side, close L behind R, cross R in front of L 
3-4&Step L to L side, rock back on R, recover weight to L (Restart dance)12:00 
Pencil turn: Turning in place on ONE foot while the other foot stays pressed close to the turning foot in 1st position, but does not touch the floor (Pencil turn is also called a Platform turn). 
Pirouette turn: Turning at least one full turn in place on ONE foot with the other foot in a raised position 
Chainé turns: Turns that are linked together; chain. A closing of the feet to an opening of the feet. Turn ¼ R stepping fw on R foot (in extended 3rd position), turn ¾ R on R bringing L next to R during turn (shifting weight to L). You are now in 1st position. Repeat chainé turn. 
Pivot turn: The pivot turn is a progressive turn that effects half of a rotation with each step. These can be chained together to produce a series of half turns. In the pivot turn, the feet stay oriented in extended third dance position. While turning in this fashion, the thighs should stay close together in a scissors-like fashion. It?s important to avoid spreading your legs to a wide second position during the turns. 
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