16 count intro after beat kicks in,(start on vocals) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sequence: A,B,A,B,A,B |
| Section A (64 counts) |
| Side rock, behind side cross twice. |
1-2 | rock right to right side, recover on left, |
3&4 | cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right in front of left, |
5-6 | rock left to left side, recover on right, |
7&8 | cross left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right |
| Step, 1/2 turn, shuffle fwd, step, pivot 1/4 turn right, turn and shuffle 1/4 turn left. |
1-2 | step fwd on right, pivot 1/2 turn left, |
3&4 | shuffle fwd, stepping right, left, right, |
5-6 | step fwd on left and pivot 1/4 turn right on both feet, cross right behind left, |
7&8 | step and shuffle 1/4 turn left, stepping left, right, left, |
| Fwd rock, full turn right, two modified sailor steps |
1-2 | rock fwd on right, recover on left, |
3-4 | step back on right with 1/2 turn right, step fwd on left with ½ turn right |
5&6 | cross and rock right behind left, recover on left, step right beside left, |
7&8 | cross and rock left behind right, recover on right, step left beside right |
| Rocking horse, rock to right side, cross shuffle left. |
1-2 | rock fwd on right, recover on left, |
3-4 | rock back on right, recover on left, |
5-6 | rock right to right side, recover on left, |
7&8 | cross shuffle left, stepping right, left, right, |
| Side step, 1/4 turn right, front kick, two sailor steps, back rock. |
1-2 | step left to left side with 1/4 turn right, kick right fwd, |
3&4 | cross right behind left, step left beside right step right in place, |
5&6 | cross left behind right, step right beside left, step left in place, |
7-8 | rock back on right, recover on left, |
| Kick ball change, back rock twice. |
1&2 | kick right fwd, step right beside left, step left in place, |
3-4 | rock back on right, recover on left , |
5-8 | repeat steps 1&2, 3-4 |
| Rolling vine right, step left to left, right beside left, step left to left with 1/4 turn left, tap right beside left. |
1-2 | step right with 1/4 turn right, make 1/4 right stepping left to left side, |
3-4 | make 1/2 right stepping right to right side, tap left beside right |
5-6 | step left to left side, step right beside left, |
7&8 | step left to left side with 1/4 turn left, tap right beside left, |
| Toe switches right, left, right, left, fwd rock on right, right coaster step. |
1&2 | point right toe to right side, step right beside left, point left toe to left side (travelling back), |
&3&4 | step left beside right, point right toe to right side, step right beside left, point left toe to left side (travelling back) |
&5-6 | step left beside right, rock fwd on right, recover on left, |
7&8 | step back on right, step left beside right, step fwd on right |
| Section B (32 counts) |
| Fwd rock and shuffle back twice. |
&1-2 | step let in place, rock fwd on right, recover on left |
3&4 | shuffle back, stepping right, left, right, |
5-8 | repeat steps &1-2, 3&4 |
| Two twinkles travelling fwd, step, 1/2 turn, shuffle fwd. |
1&2 | step left over right, step right to right side, step left in place,(travelling fwd) |
3&4 | step right over left, step left to left side, step right in place,(travelling fwd) |
5-6 | step fwd on left, pivot 1/2 turn right, |
7&8 | shuffle fwd, stepping left, right, left |
| Two cross mambos, fwd mambo, back mambo. |
1&2 | cross right over left, step left in place step right to right side, |
3&4 | cross left over right, step right in place step left to left side |
5&6 | step fwd on right, step left in place, step right beside left, |
7&8 | step back on left, step right in place, step left beside right |
| Side close, side close side to right , side close, side close side to left |
1-2 | step right to right side, step left beside right, |
3&4 | step right to right, step left beside right, step right to right side, |
5-6 | step left to left side, step right beside left, |
7&8 | step left to left side, step right beside left, step left to left side, |
| Choreographers note: |
| Section A is danced from front wall to back wall, |
| Section B is danced from back wall to front wall (easy innit !!)