CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Shake It Up!

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Pat Stott (UK), Lizzie Stott (UK) & Steve Rutter (UK) - August 2007
Yassou Maria - Sarbel : (Album: Eurovision Song Contest 07 Compilation)
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16 Count Intro? 
Section 1Toe Struts (With Shimmy?s), Step Forward, Forward Rock, ½ Turn Right, Lock Step Forward. 
1& Touch right toe forward, drop heel down. 
2& Touch left toe forward, drop heel down. 
3& Touch right toe forward, drop heel down. 
Note: DURING these toe struts, SHIMMY shoulders. 
4 Step forward on left. 
5&6 Rock forward on right, recover weight back onto left, make a half turn right stepping forward on right. 
7&8 Step forward on left, lock right behind left, step forward on left. 
Section 2Full Triple Turn Left, Mambo Rocks, Paddle ¾ Turn Right. 
1&2 Make a half turn left stepping back on right, make a half turn left stepping forward on left, step forward on right. 
3&4 Rock forward on left (bending left knee slightly), recover weight back onto right, close left beside right. 
5&6& Rock right to right side, recover weight onto left, close right beside left, make a quarter turn right hitching left knee. 
7& Touch left toe to left side, make a half turn right hitching left knee. 
8& Touch left toe to left side, hitch left knee. 
RESTART: When Dancing WALL 3 on Count 8 Stomp left beside right (putting weight on left) rather than a touch with left then restart dance from Beginning (You will now be facing the 9 o?clock Wall). 
Section 3Crossing Shuffle & Flick x2, Weave, Close, Toe Touches, Egyptian Style Clap! 
1&2 Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left over right. 
& Flick right foot out slightly to right side. 
3&4 Cross right over left, step left to left side, cross right over left. 
& Flick left foot out slightly to left side. 
5&6 Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left behind right. 
&7 Close right beside left, touch left toe to left side. 
&8 Close left beside right, touch right toe to right side. 
& Take arms out and above head and clap above head so that your hands are in a ?Praying? position. 
Section 4Side Step, Drag, Ball-Cross, Side Step, Back Rock, Side Step, Triple Full Turn Left. 
1-2 Turning to face left corner step right to right side - thus stepping right towards right corner, Drag left up towards right. 
Optional Arms & Styling: When dancing counts 1-2 place left hand across in front of body and at the same time bending right elbow place right hand above head with palm facing up towards ceiling, when dragging also lean upper body a little to the left. 
&3 Place weight onto ball of left, cross right over left (still facing diagonal at this point). 
4 Step left to left side straightening up to flat wall again. 
5&6 Rock back on right, recover weight forward onto left, step right to right side. 
7&8 Make a half turn left stepping forward on left, make a quarter turn left stepping ball of right beside left, make a quarter turn left crossing left slightly over right, 
Optional Arms & Styling: When dancing counts 7&8 hold arms out to sides, hands at shoulder height, palms facing Upwards, also when turning do it with relaxed knees thus making a samba style turn with a little bounce. 
RESTART: when Dancing Wall 3 Restart after 16 counts by stomping left to right on count 16 rather than touching left to left (omit the last hitch) (9 o?clock). 
Begin Again.


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