1-4Right turning jazz box: cross right over left, step back on left, step side right, step left next to right
5&6Right kick ball change: kick forward with right, bring right to the floor, change weight over to left
7-8Stomp right twice
1-2Cross right behind left, unwind ½ turn to right on both feet
3-4Cross left in front of right, unwind ½ turn to right on both feet
&5&6&7-8Slide to the right on right, slide left, right slide left, right slide left, hitch left
1-3Make a 1 ¼ turn to left (traveling left) as you step left, right, left
4Hitch right
5-8Step forward on right, slide left up to right, step forward on right, hitch left
1&2Sailor shuffle back on left, right, left
3&4Sailor shuffle back on right, left, right
5&6Sailor shuffle back on left, right, left
On the sailor shuffles, swing first step of each shuffle out to the side & behind weighted foot
7-8Step forward on right, stomp left next to right
5&6Right kick ball change: kick forward with right, bring right to the floor, change weight over to left
7-8Stomp right twice
1-2Cross right behind left, unwind ½ turn to right on both feet
3-4Cross left in front of right, unwind ½ turn to right on both feet
&5&6&7-8Slide to the right on right, slide left, right slide left, right slide left, hitch left
1-3Make a 1 ¼ turn to left (traveling left) as you step left, right, left
4Hitch right
5-8Step forward on right, slide left up to right, step forward on right, hitch left
1&2Sailor shuffle back on left, right, left
3&4Sailor shuffle back on right, left, right
5&6Sailor shuffle back on left, right, left
On the sailor shuffles, swing first step of each shuffle out to the side & behind weighted foot
7-8Step forward on right, stomp left next to right