Start on the next first beat after she laughs, and the beat is 1 2 3 4 (boom boom BOOM silent) and be careful because the articulated sounds alternated back and forth to (Silent Boom silent Boom)
1-2Touch right toe to the inside of the left foot, touch right heel to the side
3-4Stomp right foot forward, hold
5-8Repeat with left
9-16Repeat 1-8
5Step back on right foot
9Touch left heel to right foot
11Put left down next to right foot
13-14Right heel touch to left foot, step right foot in place
15-16Left heel touch
17-18-19-20Left side step, right step together, left side step, right touch together
21-22-23-24Right side step, left step together, right side step, left touch together
25-26Left side step, right touch together
27-28Kick right foot out twice
29Step back on right foot
Right foot points to the wall to the right
30Touch left toe to the right foot
31Step left foot out so it faces the left wall
32Step right foot together
(4 count hold) repeat (just this time hold)
(No hold) repeat 3x
20 count hold then repeat (when she say "when I'm cooking dinner and i burn it black he better say, "umm I like it like that yah" you turn when she say umm so you can add an optional pelvic trust to spice things up)
(No hold 3x repeat)
(8 count hold) repeat
Repeat (no hold)
28 count hold
33-34-35-36Shimmy to right, thrust hips to the right
35-36-37Stomp right foot, stomp left foot, stomp right foot
39-40-41Kick right foot out in front, touch right foot in front of left foot, touch right foot behind the heel of the left foot
42Turn ¼ turn right
43-44-45Stomp right foot out to the right, stomp left foot out to the left
47-48-49Jump and land on the third beat
51-52Touch right heel to the left foot, touch right toe to the left foot
53-54Same turn without the kick
Then repeat counts 1-32
1-2Touch right toe to the inside of the left foot, touch right heel to the side
3-4Stomp right foot forward, hold
5-8Repeat with left
9-16Repeat 1-8
5Step back on right foot
9Touch left heel to right foot
11Put left down next to right foot
13-14Right heel touch to left foot, step right foot in place
15-16Left heel touch
17-18-19-20Left side step, right step together, left side step, right touch together
21-22-23-24Right side step, left step together, right side step, left touch together
25-26Left side step, right touch together
27-28Kick right foot out twice
29Step back on right foot
Right foot points to the wall to the right
30Touch left toe to the right foot
31Step left foot out so it faces the left wall
32Step right foot together
(4 count hold) repeat (just this time hold)
(No hold) repeat 3x
20 count hold then repeat (when she say "when I'm cooking dinner and i burn it black he better say, "umm I like it like that yah" you turn when she say umm so you can add an optional pelvic trust to spice things up)
(No hold 3x repeat)
(8 count hold) repeat
Repeat (no hold)
28 count hold
33-34-35-36Shimmy to right, thrust hips to the right
35-36-37Stomp right foot, stomp left foot, stomp right foot
39-40-41Kick right foot out in front, touch right foot in front of left foot, touch right foot behind the heel of the left foot
42Turn ¼ turn right
43-44-45Stomp right foot out to the right, stomp left foot out to the left
47-48-49Jump and land on the third beat
51-52Touch right heel to the left foot, touch right toe to the left foot
53-54Same turn without the kick
Then repeat counts 1-32