CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Bill Harvey & Shirley Harvey
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Position: Sweetheart position. Partners execute same steps on same foot.
1-2Step forward right 45 degrees to right, slide left behind right.
3-4Step forward right 45 degrees to right, brush left beside right.
5-6Step forward left 45 degrees to left, slide right behind left.
7-8Step forward left 45 degrees to left, step forward right (release right & raise left hands), pivot ½ turn to left.
9-10Shift weight to left, step forward right.
11-12Brush left forward, brush & touch left to side.
13-14Cross/step left behind right, brush & touch right to side.
15-16Cross/step right behind left, brush & touch left to side.
17-20Repeat steps 13-16, on count 20 turn ½ to left.
21-22Step forward left, brush & touch right to side.
23-24Cross/step right over left, brush & touch left to side.
25-26Cross/step left over right, brush & touch right to side.
27-28Cross/step right over left, step back left.
29-30Step right to side & turn ¼ to right, brush left forward.
31-32Step left to side & turn ¼ to left, brush & touch right to side.
33-40Repeat steps 23-30.
41-42Step forward left, brush right forward.
43-44Cross/step right over left, brush left to side & forward.
45-46Step left forward & to left, step right behind left.
47-48Step left to side, brush right forward & turn ¼ to left
(Spread hands, turn in windmill style, change hands).
49-50Step forward right, brush left to side & turn ¼ to left.
51-52Step left to side & turn ¼ to left, brush right forward & turn ¼ to left.
53-54Cross/step right over left, brush left forward & turn ¼ to left.
55-56Step left forward, brush right out & touch to side.
57-58Cross right over left & rock forward on right, step back left.
59-60Step back right, touch left toe back.
61-66Shuffle forward left-right-left, right-left-right, left-right-left.
67-68Brush right forward, step right forward (release right hands).
69-70Pivot on left ½ turn to left, step forward right.
71-72Pivot on left ½ turn to left, brush right forward & to side.



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