1-2Step right foot to side, left foot next to right (swaying)
3-4Step left foot to side, right foot next to left (swaying)
5-6Step right foot to side hold with left foot in the air
7&8Left sailor step
9&10Right drunken sailor step forward
11&12Left drunken sailor step forward
13-16Staggering backwards, right, left, right, left
17-18Staggering to right (right foot to side, left behind)
19-20Right to side, left in air
21-22Staggering to left (left foot to side, right behind)
23-24Left to side, right in air
25-26Right foot to side, left in air (swaying)
27-28Left foot to side, right in air (swaying)
29-32Jazz box (staggering backwards)
3-4Step left foot to side, right foot next to left (swaying)
5-6Step right foot to side hold with left foot in the air
7&8Left sailor step
9&10Right drunken sailor step forward
11&12Left drunken sailor step forward
13-16Staggering backwards, right, left, right, left
17-18Staggering to right (right foot to side, left behind)
19-20Right to side, left in air
21-22Staggering to left (left foot to side, right behind)
23-24Left to side, right in air
25-26Right foot to side, left in air (swaying)
27-28Left foot to side, right in air (swaying)
29-32Jazz box (staggering backwards)