1-4Shimmy shoulders as you step right to side right (2 beats) slide left to right, clap
5-8Shimmy shoulders as you step left to side left (2 beats) slide right to left, clap
9-12Vine right (right, left, right stomp left) double hip bumps to left, double hip bumps to right
13-16Vine left (left, right, left stomp right)
17-20Double hip bumps to right, double hip bumps to left
21-24Right 45 degrees, left 45 degrees 4 twist heels to right, center, to left, center
25-28Step forward right, hitch left slapping left knee with right hand step forward left, hitch right slapping right knee with left hand
29-32Rock forward on right, rock back on left, rock back on right, rock forward on left
33-36Step forward right, turning ¼ turn to left, pivot on balls of feet, right next to left, clap
5-8Shimmy shoulders as you step left to side left (2 beats) slide right to left, clap
9-12Vine right (right, left, right stomp left) double hip bumps to left, double hip bumps to right
13-16Vine left (left, right, left stomp right)
17-20Double hip bumps to right, double hip bumps to left
21-24Right 45 degrees, left 45 degrees 4 twist heels to right, center, to left, center
25-28Step forward right, hitch left slapping left knee with right hand step forward left, hitch right slapping right knee with left hand
29-32Rock forward on right, rock back on left, rock back on right, rock forward on left
33-36Step forward right, turning ¼ turn to left, pivot on balls of feet, right next to left, clap