CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Armageddon It

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Justine Shuttleworth (AUS)
Must've Had a Ball - Alan Jackson
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1-4Step right to right 45 degrees, kick left to right 45 degrees, step left to left 45 degrees, kick right to left 45 degrees
5-8Step right to right 45 degrees, kick left to right 45 degrees, step left to left 45 degrees, kick right to left 45 degrees
9-10Step forward on right, turn ½ turn left stepping left next to right
11-12Step forward on right, turn ½ turn left stepping left next to right
13-14Step forward on right, turn ½ turn left stepping left next to right
15&16Shuffle forward right-left-right
17&18&Touch left heel forward, step left next to right, touch right heel forward, step right next to left
19-20Step left foot forward, turn ½ turn right touching right next to left
21&22&Touch right heel forward, step right next to left, touch left heel forward, step left next to right
23-24Step right foot forward, turn ½ turn left stepping left next to right
25-26Rock forward on right, back on left
27-28Step back on right turning ¼ turn right, pivot ½ turn right on ball of right foot flicking left leg behind right
29-30Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right
31&32Turning ½ turn right step in place left-right-left
33-36Cross right toe over left foot, drop right heel, touch left toe to left turning head left, drop left heel, (clicking on beats 2 and 4)
37-40Cross right toe over left foot, drop right heel, touch left toe to left turning head left, drop left heel (clicking on beats 2 and 4)
41&42Touch right heel in front of left, step right next to left, step left next to right (heel ball change)
43&44Turn ¼ turn right and touch right heel in front of left, step right next to left, step left next to right (heel ball change)
45&46Turn ¼ turn right and touch right heel in front of left, step right next to left, step left next to right, (heel ball change)
47&48Turn ¼ turn right and touch right heel in front of left, step right next to left, step left next to right, (heel ball change)
49-50Jump forward on both feet (shoulder width apart), slap both knees with both hands
51-52Fan right toe to right turning head to right, fan right back center with head back center
53-54Fan left toe to left turning head to left, fan left toe back center with head back center
55-56Fan both toes out leaning back on heels and shrugging shoulders with hands in the air, fan both toes back center
57-58Step right back at 45 degrees right, drag left heel back towards right
59-60Step left back at 45 degrees left, drag right heel towards left
61-62Step right back at 45 degrees right, drag left heel back towards right
63-64Turn ½ turn left stepping onto left, step right to right
65&66Twist on right heel and left toe to right (swivet), drop right toe, stomp left foot next to right
67&68Twist on left heel and right toe to left (swivet), drop left toe, stomp right foot next to left
69&70Twist on right heel and left toe to right (swivet), drop right toe, stomp left foot next to right
71&72Twist on left heel and right toe to left (swivet), drop left toe, stomp right foot next to left
73&74Kick right out at left 45 degrees, step right next to left, step left next to right, (kick ball change)
75&76Kick right out at left 45 degrees, step right next to left, step left next to right, (kick ball change)
77&78Kick right out at left 45 degrees, step right next to left, step left next to right, (kick ball change)
&79Step right next to left turning ¼ turn right, step left next to right
&80Step right next to left turning ¼ turn, step left next to right
81-82Step right heel out at right 45 degrees, step left heel out at left 45 degrees,
83&84Step right back center, step left next to right, step right next to left
85-86Step left heel out at left 45 degrees, step right heel out at right 45 degrees
87&88Step left back center, step right next to left, step left next to right
89-92Step right to right 45 degrees, step left next to right, click heels twice (2 buttermilks &3&4)
&93Step right slightly back kicking left foot forward, step left out at left 45 degrees
94-96Drag right towards left for 2 counts, stomp right next to left on count 4
97-99Cross right over left, step back on left, tap right next to left
&100Scoot back on left hitching right knee, step back on right
101&102Tap left next to right, scoot forward on right hitching left knee, step forward on left
103&104Tap right next to left, scoot back on left hitching right knee, step back on right
105-108Rock back on left, forward on right, step forward left, pivot on ball of left foot full turn right kicking right foot forward
109&110Shuffle forward right-left-right
&111&112Step left to left, step right to right, step left back center, step right back center
113-114Cross right over left, pivot ½ turn left
115&116Shuffle to left stepping left-right-left
117-118Cross right over left, pivot ½ turn left
119&120Shuffle to left stepping left-right-left
&121&122Scoot back on left hitching right knee, shuffle back right-left-right
123-124Turn ½ turn left stepping forward on left foot, turning a further ½ turn left step back on right
&125&126Scoot back on right hitching left knee, shuffle back left-right-left
127-128Turn ½ turn right stepping forward on right foot, turning a further ½ turn right step back on left



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